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"Never Let Me Go"


"you should have told me eric hired fuckin' humans, isabel." stan complained, looking to sookie and amelia in disgust. amelia smirked, standing next to eric and looking around godric's home at all the art, "oh, don't get it twisted, i ain't gettin' paid shit." she said, making eric stare at her as sookie scoffed, "now, wait just a minute," she said, and bill stepped forward toward stan, "respect them."

sookie thanked him quietly and amelia rolled her eyes, after her and eric's conversation the previous night she would rather be anywhere else. "i couldn't tell you, stan, you've been off on your own for days." eric sighed, taking his eyes off amelia and beginning to pace around the living room, "are you certain godric was taken by the fellowship of the sun?" he asked, and godric's nest mates had two different answers.

isabel said no and stan said yes, making isabel roll her eyes as stan explained himself, "they're the only ones with the organization and manpower—"

"but they're amateurs, it could've easily been a slayer," isabel interrupted, making the breath hitch in amelia's throat slightly. eric felt the nervousness in her chest and looked to her reassuringly, to which she raised her eyebrows to let him know she was okay.

"if i may interject," amelia said, looking between eric, isabel, and stan, "this is godric we're talking about, he's over two thousand years old, he could've overpowered any slayer if he wanted," she said, making isabel stop and think for a second before shrugging, a look of consideration on her face. stan still couldn't grasp the fact that humans were here, "old don't make you smart." isabel looked at him, "there's no proof of either."

sookie looked at the two vampires, "if they've got him, amelia and i will hear it. that our job," she said, and amelia sighed as stan and isabel still argued about who could have taken godric.

"there's no reason to wait, we need to take those fanatics down, full out attack. exterminate them like the vermin they are, leave no trace." stan said, making eric and amelia look at one another in annoyance. isabel looked at her nestmate, "hm, vampire hating church annihilated, wonder who did it? fucking brilliant."

"i doubt the king of texas would approve the destruction of our international political agenda." bill said, making isabel smile smartly at stan. amelia agreed, going to that church and just raising hell wouldn't get them anywhere, they might even lose godric in the progress. "fuck that," stan mumbled, "the great revelation is the biggest mistake we ever made."

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