T w e n t y E i g h t

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Chase's POV
We got to the dance and we waited for the others to arrive, Ivy arrived first with Justin after them was Axel with Rain and Jake and Steph who came without a date.

S: Feels good to be dateless at homecoming.
J: Talk for yourself, I couldn't find a suitable date.
C: Poor you.
J: Shut it Chase.

We laughed at Jake and we went inside. There was punch and non alcoholic drinks but of course some jocks poured alcohol in the punch. The theme was a mixture of green and silver which surprise surprise were our school colors. The music was upbeat and people were dancing their heart out. Axel dragged Rain to the dance floor to dance and I bowed down to Lia.

O: What are you-
C: M'lady, would you do me the honor?
O: Of course mr Campbell, I wouldn't turn it down for the world.

At some point we all got together and danced as a group which it was surprisingly fun. After a while of dancing, our student body president got up the stage to present the homecoming queen and king.

L(ayla): Students of Saint Laurent High School can I have your attention?

The music stopped and everyone shifted the attention to her. Girls were squeaking and some of them were either sure they're gonna win or that Ivy's gonna win.

L: It's the moment you've all been waiting for! Who is our homecoming queen and king? Our king is none other than...Chase Campbell!

The guys patted my back and Axel messed up my hair as if I was a dog...and the girls were clapping and cheering. Lia gave me a huge smile and and I smiled back before I went up the stage to get my crown -from Walmart-. As I looked down at my classmates and found my friends in the crowd I felt a knife in my chest. I remembered what my brother's plan is and my heart hurt. It felt as everything stopped, giving me the chance to appreciate my surroundings. I then remembered Lia and that her birthday was tomorrow and I wouldn't spend it with her and my heart broke. I broke out of my zone out when Layla talked again.

L: Now, our queen was going to be our newcomer, Ivy Fray but after recent events there was a plot twist. Ophelia Mikaelson come get your crown!

Ophelia was shocked to say the least and our friends hugged her and everyone cheered. I clapped as she came towards the stage and Layla placed the crown on her head. She then looked at me and I hugged her and proceeded to bow down yet again.

C: My queen.
O: Your majesty.
L: Come on give us a kiss!

We looked at each other again and smiled before we kissed in front of everyone...literally everyone.

L: Okay people make some room for our king's and queen's first dance!

I took Lia's hand and lead her to the dance floor. "Hold On" started playing and I thought...what's the irony? It was almost 10 pm and it was also almost time for the plan.

Loving and fighting, accusing denying I can't imagine a world with you gone.

O: Chase, you've been kinda off what's the matter?
C: It's nothing you should worry about love.

I leaned my forehead on hers and held her tighter.

The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of, I'd be so lost if you left me alone.

O: Chase, whatever it is you can tell me, I might be able to help.
C: You can't do something, love. Just promise me whatever happens that you'd be okay.
O: Chase you're scaring me what's wrong?

You locked yourself in the bathroom, lying on the floor when I break through. I pull you in and feeling your heartbeat, can you hear me screaming please don't leave me?

Random student: SMOKE BOMBS!

Smoke filled up the room, people were panicking and my own heart was fighting against my brain. I wanted to stay there, with Lia. I wanted to hold her and never let go. I gave her another kiss, pouring all my love for her into it, not knowing if there was going to be another one.

O: Chase what's going on?
C: Everything is going to be okay, don't worry.

I hugged her again, the tightest hug I've ever given her, before I would leave.

C: Go outside...find the others...I'll be right back. I love you.
O: I love you too but where are you going?

I left before she could finish her sentence and before the smoke cleared out.
I got out of there and ran to my brother's car and he started immediately.

Bl: You okay?
C: What do you think?
Bl: You're protecting her, you know that right?
C: I'm breaking her heart in the process, hours before her birthday nonetheless.
Bl: You could stop by tonight before dawn.
C: I will.

Ophelia's POV
The smoke cleared out and first thing I did was look for Chase. In the process the others found me in the crowd.

A: Where's Chase?
O: I don't know he said he'd be right back.

Tears started running down my cheeks thinking of the worst scenarios. Did Blake's rivals got him instead for leverage?
Police were already in the school and interviewers were everywhere. "Smoke bomb attack at Saint Laurent High School, only one student missing."
It can't be a random thing, only Chase missing. I ran to his car and I saw that his phone was inside.

O: Dammit Chase where the fuck are you?

More tears started streaming down my face at the thought of him being hurt.

R: Lia he might be somewhere around here don't worry.
O: He's not! He might be hurt he-he...

Steph hugged me and I broke down in his hug. My phone rang and I shot up in hopes that it'd be Chase but it was Jax.

O: Jax, is Blake with you?
J: No, I wanted to see if Chase was with you.
O: He-he's not. He's missing. Where's Blake?
J: He was here 10 minutes ago and now he's nowhere to be found
O: I'm coming home right now.

I hang up and rushed to the car. The others were shouting at me to go back but I couldn't hear them.
Everything on my mind at that moment was Chase.

Third publish in a row today.
Can you tell I'm bored of online classes?
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Bye peeps

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