T h i r t y (S e a s o n F i n a l e)

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Ophelia's POV
It's been a month since Chase left. Me and Jax have been searching for them but no luck. I was slowly losing my mind, I was falling behind in school, my grades were at their worst which never happened. I wasn't the best at academics but I was failing most of my classes and it was bad. Chase's father also made a huge effort to find them but even he had no success. My mum helped me a lot mentally but I could see that she wasn't able to see me like this anymore. Jax also tried to take my mind off of things but I kept getting worse. I wasn't eating well, my muscles were weak and I lost so much weight.

Jax: Ophelia you have to eat.
O: I'm not hungry.
Jax: You barely ate a toast this morning.
O: It was enough.

I felt like Jax got tired of me. He's been there since Chase went poof and I feel like he's going down with me.

Chase's POV
It's been a month since I left. A month running around with Blake so Roger wouldn't find us. I've been in touch with Jax to check up on Lia and every time I talked with him my heart broke a little more. She hasn't been eating well and she was failing school. She was looking everywhere for me with Jax and he always told me to move so she wouldn't find us. I felt terrible for hiding from her and making her worry and feeling helpless. I wanted to see her so badly and hug her and tell her that everything is okay. But I can't do that. As long as Roger wants us dead I can't go back to her.

Jax: She's not okay Chase. She doesn't eat, she doesn't sleep, she's failing school.
C: Tell her to stop looking for me.
Jax: I have. She doesn't want to give up on you. Do something about it.
C: Like what?
Jax: I don't know. Leave the country, vanish, I don't know.

I had an idea but it was a big no. She'd hate me if I did leave and come back out of the blue. But then again she'd stop looking for me and Roger will leave us alone. But then I thought about my dad, he'd be devastated if he won't see us again. It is a solution tho.

Bl: Why are you so lost in your thoughts?
C: Should we leave? Like leave completely from the UK?
Bl: It's not a bad idea.
C: We should disappear, at least until Roger gives up.

Ophelia's POV
Days were going by like minutes. School, sleep, search, repeat. I was sitting on my bed looking at pictures on my phone while listening to empty space by James Arthur. My mother shouted for me and made me jump off my bed. I shrugged off the dizziness I felt every time I got up because of my lack of eating and I ran downstairs. My mum was in tears and Brandon had horror and pain written all over his face. Jax looked at me with pity in his eyes.

O: What is going on? What happened?

I followed their eyes, that were glued on the TV. The headline terrified me "Two boys, of age 17 and 21, killed near the airport London City"

O: It can't be, it's not them.
Br: Ophelia the police called me an hour ago. Its them...
O: No! It can't be them! They're not...they can't be...

I collapsed on the floor. My heart hurt physically, I couldn't take more pain, I couldn't get the fact that they're...gone. I looked at the TV again, their pictures were on display, the headline still piercing through my soul. My mum rushed to me, her crying as well, mostly because of my own state. I felt a part of my soul leaving my body, I was blank, but I couldn't stop crying.

O: Mum i-it hurts so much. Please tell me it's n-not them. Please tell me it's just a big m-mistake.

She didn't respond, just hugged me tighter.

-day of the funeral-

I obviously wore all black, it wasn't something unusual anyway, but this time my clothes represented my mood. Even the weather matched my mental state, it was ready to burst a storm. I went to get a jacket in case it'd catch up to us while we were at the funeral. I opened my closet and saw Chase's white jacket hanging further from the others. I blinked my tears away and picked my black adidas jacket. As I looked at myself in the mirror I remembered the first time I wore his white adidas jacket, the day of the accident.

S: Your jacket smells like... NO!
O: Mhm.
S: Which of the three? No let me guess. Jake?
O: No actually it's Chase's.

And his jaw dropped to the flour.

S: You and Chase..?
O: Soon to be siblings.
S: Best friend that you're my ex girlfriend and you're wearing Chase's freaking Campbell signature white adidas jacket that smells like him and you're apparently living with him SAY WHAT?
O: Yep. My mom, his dad.


O: By the way, do you know whose jacket is that? It's certainly not mine it's like 3 sises bigger than me.
C: That... is mine.

-end of flashback-

Jax: Ophelia, are you ready?
O: No...but I have to be right?
Jax: Well...you can't escape it.

He walked in and gave me a hug. I felt numb tho, I was tired. Mentally tired.
We went to the cemetery and the coffins were already into the ground. I couldn't help but be paranoid. Why wouldn't they tell Brandon to go and ensure that it's them?

I walked up to our group of friends and Rain pulled me into a hug followed by everyone else. The twins and basically the whole football team wore Chase's jersey, the twins were also wearing their signature jackets. The ceremony began and everyone started tearing up. I realized that Chase wasn't just "the king of the school" for them. For the twins, Chase was their best friend, their triplet. For the team, he wasn't just their team leader, he was their brother. Rain, as much as they tortured each other and made fun of each other, she couldn't imagine a day going by without seeing him or without his playful remarks and teasing, she loved him. Even Steph was devastated, he came so close to Chase these past few weeks, they became good friends. Hell I've heard them talk on the phone and playing video games together. I turned to see Blake's grave and I remembered all the times he protected me from bullies and every holiday we've spent together. Every time he was there for me and all the times he helped me. I turned to look at Jax, he was looking at his best friend's grave, at his brother's grave. I gave his a hand a squeeze and gave him a "we're gonna be okay" smile and he returned it.
When the ceremony ended I was left alone with Jax.

O: I may sound crazy and paranoid but...I don't feel like they're really gone.
Jax: You don't sound crazy, you sound hopeful, which I didn't see in you for so long. But why now?
O: It doesn't make sense. I just sat and thought...why wouldn't the police or whatever call their family for recognition?
Jax: It's a good thought but-
O: But.. I should come back from my fantasy world, they're gone and I should get used to it. I should learn to live without him.
Jax: Well yeah.

We sat there in silence and I saw two figures in furthest part of the cemetery. My eyes could've tricked me because after a blink of an eye, they were gone.

O: I have to eat, I'm starting to hallucinate.

Jax chuckled and gave me his hand as we were walking away.
Before I left I turned around to take a look at Chase's grave again and a single tear left my eye.

Chase Campbell
Loving son, brother and friend.
"You're my favorite memory"

I looked at the white rose I left on his grave and I smiled to myself. I don't know if it's my feelings, my gut or my mind but he's not gone, at least not to me. A part of him lives in me, with me.

After all he is my favorite memory. He was my bestest friend, my first love and the one person I'll never lose feelings for. And of course the thing that brought him back into my life...he was going to be my future step brother

Please don't kill me guys. :)
I love a sad, heart breaking ending.
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Don't be a ghost reader👻
See ya in the 2nd book!
Bye peeps!

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