Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV

*sighs* y'all the pregnancy thing is not joke, my feet are swole, my back hurts, and I look like a fucking pumpkin . Since Aug ain't gonna be back until 2 weeks from now I've been with Chris I mean he does need to be there for me after all he made me like this that stupid shit -.-

"Y/n you ready yet, we finna miss this appointment" Chris came up the stairs

"I can't fit anything but sweatpants and tee shirts ughh I look so fucking fat" I whined

"Baby girl really you're not fat for one and who cares if you can't fit jeans you still look beautiful with sweats on" he kissed my forehead

Since I already took a shower I just put up my leggings and a nice long gray knitted sweater with my black uggs with the bows In the back with my black and silver watch on my wrist. My makeup was simple just some eyeliner and mascara with my baby lips lip tint (the black one I think).

"Ok I'm done" I turned too Chris and he smiled

"You look so gorgeous I swear" he held his hand out for mines

"Boy you better stop" I blushed a little and gave him my hand

We walked downstairs fuck that he walked I wobbled like a penguin and we got to the car. He help me in and I strapped my seatbelt in and he got in then we bounced to the hospital.

When we got there we walked to the room and waited for my doctor

"Chris since we alone at the moment, we needa talk"

"Alright what's up"

"First things first when I have our child I don't want that bitch around her at all you hear me"

"Alright that's understood"

"Good now that's out the way, I want to do a natural birth in your house so I suggest you buy a flatable pool"

"You sure you wanna do that"

"Yes, I'm sure"

"Ok I'll go shop for one later"

"Third, you will picking her up every chance you get and so help me god if you fuck up Chris I'm beating ya ass, especially if I hear once that Kae has been touching my daughter consider that bitch dead"

"Damn alright crazy ass pregnant lady" he chuckled

"I'm not crazy I'm just a mama bear watching out for her cub" I smiled and rubbed my belly and I felt her move

"Aw she kicked, come feel Chris" I was hella excited

He put his hand on my stomach and she kicked once more and he smiled and began talking to her it was really cute, so I snapped a picture and posted it on Instagram and twitter

" @chrisbrown She's already a daddy's girl "

A lot of his fans replied with all positive tweets and thats why I love Team Breezy lol

My phone began to ring and it was August


"So you fucking with that nigga again while I'm gone" he coming too wrong

"Hol' the fuck up August he's my baby's father so let's that fucking striaght, you thought because your gone you think imma do this shit by myself then you're fucking stupid, so next time you try to come at my fucking neck get ya fucking facts right"

"I'm sorry I just don't like him around you"

"Well you need to get used too it real quick" I left that as that and hung up

The doctor came in and greeted us

"Ok Ms.Y/n just lay back" she put the warm gel on my stomach then used the ultrasound device on it and moved it around until she found my baby

"Wow you're baby looks very healthy from what I'm seeing, you might have this one a few weeks early so you should get prepared. Have you figured out what you wanted to do"

"Well, I wanna do water birthing at home"

"Ok that sounds good, did you find a mid wife yet cause if not we have a lot of nurses who could help out" she looked at both of us

"Yes that'll be fine"

"Great! Let's get that situated" we nodded

After arranging for everything we got back to Chris' house and I saw a black range rover that looked like Aug's so when I walked up I knocked on the window

It was him.

"When did you come back ?" I rolled my eyes

"Well it was a surprise but I pretty much fucked that up earlier"


"So you mad at me now" he frowned

"What the fuck you think August, you fucking calling me yelling at me like you ain't got no damn muhfucking sense" I mushed his head

"Look you don't have to do that extra shit sight so chill the fuck out"

"I'll chill the fuck out until you get yo act together"

"Yo yo yo Y/n y'all chill out you stressing my child ok" Chris intervened

I sighed

"Alright" I calmed down

"Whateva you coming home or nah"

"Yea, hold on I needa get my things"

"Wait you've been sleeping over hea"

"Yes, and you know what I've noticed Aug too since you wanna point shit out"


"You real fucking stupid, I knew this whole time you was cheating while you was on tour with those nasty bitches right now I see yo lips are glittery as fuck not only that yo car fucking stinks so yes when I do come home I'm getting my shit and leaving and moving into the place I've bought while you was gone" He sat there looking dumb as fuck

Before I turned to Chris

"Ya know August I really do love you but I'm not gonna fight with these girls you fucking, I'm too grown to be dealing with yo childish ways so be as single as you want baby just know you lost something real special." I turned to Chris

"Chris can you bring me to his house so I can get my stuff "

"Yeah I got you"

"Thank you hun"

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