3. Waking up

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Hermione had been unconscious in Severus’ chambers for almost a week. He noticed her getting stronger, her fever dropping, her lips retaining color. The closer he was to her, the more she moved, the steadier her pulse became, the more even her breathing was. So he spent most of his time as he was doing now, reading silently on his couch with her head laid gently in his lap.

 He hardly ever read fiction, but he was immersing himself in the story to distract himself from the absurdity that was this situation. He hardly noticed her groaning and stirring, or that his fingers were subconsciously grazing the skin of her arm. He didn't want to admit to himself that he wasn't as uncomfortable as he should be. He might actually enjoy the silent company. 

He wondered how she might react if she should wake up in his lap. Would she scream for him to get his filthy hands away from her? Would she hex him into oblivion? Or would she perhaps calmly ask him what was happening? 

Would he feel annoyed at her presence when she was finally able to speak again, or would her company be enjoyable?

And the most important question, what would happen to her when he was inevitably summoned by the dark lord?

No, he didn't want to think of it at all. He stayed immersed in a muggle book about a boy who fell in love with the niece of the town recluse who ended up being ‘not a witch’ a caster. He was quite entertained by the tales of Ethan Wate and his magical girlfriend, Lena. He found himself reading out loud when his student began to mumble.

“Miss granger?” he questioned hoping for a reply.

“Beautiful Creatures.” she mumbled with her eyes closed. “Love that book.” She rolled over in his lap before falling back into her slumber. 

Severus grinned slightly then continued to read aloud for her, his fingers only leaving her arm to turn the page. 

‘This is only for her  benefit’. He thought to himself. ‘It's not inappropriate if it's keeping her alive.’

He kept trying to convince himself of that but deep down he knew this was wrong. Not the part where it kept her alive, but the part where he was annoyed with her presence, the part where stroking his students skin, having her asleep in his lap, just didn't bother him. 

At first he was completely outraged at the idea of having her in his personal chambers, and maybe once she was actually awake he would feel that way again… he hoped he would feel that way. He did not want to enjoy having her here, and if he did, he certainly would not let her know that. 

Her eyes opened. She gasped in shock  as she realized, she was not in her own bed and she was not alone. She couldn't see his face behind the book, but she recognized the low rasp of his voice as he read out loud.

“Pr-professor?” she questioned skeptically. 

He looked down at her face noticing the confusion in her eyes.

“What the hell?” she groaned as she tried to sit up. He gently pushed her back down.

“You're not strong enough to sit up yet, Miss Granger.” he stated trying to sound cold. “I would advise you to relax while i explain why we're in this rather uncomfortable predicament.” ‘Was that harsh enough.’

She wanted to protest but he shot a glare as soon as she opened her mouth. 

Hermione listened intently as her professor explained exactly where she was and why she had to be there before he started reading again. The movement of his fingers relaxed her until she was in a trance, following along with the story in her mind until she fell into a natural slumber.

Her steady breathing gave Severus a feeling of content, or was he just tired? He decided on the latter. He closed the book, trading it for a throw blanket draping it over her waist before leaning back and succumbing to sleep himself.


Hermione felt well rested as she sat up for the first time in nearly two weeks. She almost wondered if the previous night had been a dream until she looked to her left and there he was, professor snape sat up sleeping silently.

‘That cannot be comfortable.’ She thought to herself. She was proven right when his eyes opened and he groaned before trying to rub out a kink in his neck. His sleepy face contorted as he tried to stretch as well. She watched as he sat up straight and yawned before looking over at her questioningly.

‘Crap, he caught me staring.’ 

“Good morning Miss Granger.” He greeted her. She was too shocked by his sleepy voice to reply. Instead she sat there stunned with her mouth slightly opened. She watched him as he watched her compose herself. He chuckled and she was stunned again. The process continued until he was in a small fit of laughter at the girl's reaction towards him. This was the first time she'd ever seen him show any emotion aside from disdain. 

“Miss granger, as amusing as it is to watch you gawk at me I think it would be wise to get some food into your body.” Her stomach loudly grumbled at his statement. “Yes i thought so. Can you stand?” he asked. 

Hermione nodded before she pulled herself up onto wobbly legs then falling back down onto the couch with a grunt. 

Snape rolled his eyes pretending to be annoyed before helping her up and slowly walking her to his kitchen. He carefully sat her down at his table and then began collecting ingredients and turned on the stove. 

The longer he wasn't next to her the more dizzy she began to feel. He noticed this and scooted her chair next to him by the stove. 

And there started their new routine.

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