6. The flu

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In the following days, Hermione did a much better job at controlling her thoughts. Instead of trying to ignore her sexual feelings she would simply reroute them into more friendly ideas, much to Severus’ appreciation. 

’Professor snape is so… um… good at wizards chess. I wonder if he'd beat Ron.’

As much as he appreciated her trying, he found it very funny. She would often catch him chuckling at her attempts and scowl at him. He thought that was cute. 

He was having a hard time controlling his own mind, especially at night when she was asleep… She couldn't redirect her thoughts in her sleep. He was more than glad that she couldn't hear what he was thinking everytime she did something cute, or when she let out small little gasps in her sleep, coupled by her sleep induced fantasies of him… on top of her. 

It wasnt completely sexual for him either. It was mostly crippling curiosity mixed with an emotion he'd never felt before. He'd listen intently to her dreams of him and silently watch her face as she slept. Her lips would part slightly with every gasp, her eyes would flutter under her lids, her cheeks would tint a perfect pink, oh she was so beautiful. He could almost drown out the vivid thoughts of him kissing her shoulder, and her neck, and her soft lovely lips…

She stopped dreaming suddenly to his disappointment. He sighed and laid back on his bed before drifting off into a deep sleep.

The next morning he woke to the sound of banging on the wall. He sat up to see Hermione stumbling to the bathroom after running straight into a wall. 

“Miss Granger?” He quickly shed his blankets and followed his student into the bathroom to see her crouched down over his toilet. “Oh crap.”

He rushed to her side just in time to hold her hair back as she retched into the toilet before she leaned back and fainted in his arms.

“Granger?” He tried to wake her. “Miss Granger?” She didn't answer. “Hermione, wake up.” He carried her to the couch and laid her head in his lap like he did before she woke up.

He felt her head noticing she was a bit warm and clammy, but before he could assess her any further he heard a gasp from the fireplace.

There stood Professor Minerva McGonagall shaking her head in dismay.

“What on earth do you think you are doing, Severus?” She was clearly not happy.

“What are you going on about, Minerva?” He asked while he gently stroked his students' hair.

“You! Violating that poor girl!” She yelled back at him.

“Hush now Minnie,” He looked down sadly at the girl in his lap. “She's sick. She needs this… She needs strength...She needs me.” 

“The bond?” The woman asked 

“Yes the bond.” a tear fell down his cheek. “The damned bond.”

“What's going on. What's wrong?” The woman’s previous anger turned into genuine concern for the professor and the girl laid in his lap.

A sob escaped his lips. “Gods. This damned curse.. It's so.. Ugh it's all so highly inappropriate.” He wiped his eyes. “I can hear everything she thinks about me minerva and her thoughts are not those of an innocent girl… and I'm about to break. It's all because of the damned bond. She wants me… and.. And it's so inappropriate, but damned if i'm not falling in love with the girl.” He buried his face in his hands.

“Professor?” Hermione stirred. “What's wrong?” 

Severus began to laugh sadly. “Nothing now that you're awake dear.”

“Oh.” She replied sleepily. “I don't feel well sir. I think i've got the flu.” 

“It's okay Miss Granger.” He spoke softly, gently running his fingers through her hair. “Just relax.”

“But i'll get you sick.” She worried out loud.

He chuckled. “Only muggle borns can get muggle illnesses.”

“Oh… Okay.” She relaxed into him and fell into a peaceful sleep once again. 

“Goodness severus.” Minerva grumbled from her spot near the fireplace. “You really are falling for the girl.”

“Uggh.” He grunted. “What do I do”

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