7. Back to class

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Severus Snape was worried for his sanity. Hermione kicked the flu a couple days ago and her thoughts were back on him. She still tried to distract herself with friendly comments instead of longing ones, but she slipped a lot. He didnt know how much longer he could take the torture. 

Dumbledore decided it was time for the two to continue class. Today would be their first day out of Snape's chambers since they were cursed and Hermione wasn't prepared for the questions she knew her friends would ask. One of which would be why she wouldn't be able to stay for the whole class. 

After a simple test of being apart, Poppy concluded that Hermione could go 9 minutes without feeling nauseous, 15 minutes without feeling dizzy, and about 25 minutes before she would faint. So the plan was that Hermione would stay in each class for 20 minutes and then meet Professor Snape in his chambers to ‘recharge’ for an hour. This way she could attend at least part of some of her classes a day. Snape would come up with lesson plans that didn't require him to be in class the whole time so that he could be with Hermione when she needed him.

He woke her up early that morning so she could shower for her first day back. Her sleepy thoughts were of him joining her under the warm water, running a cloth over her naked body. He tried his best to ignore the thoughts. He didn't want to call her out and embarrass her that day. His shower was a cold one. 

They were the first in the great hall for breakfast that day. Hermione took her seat at the gryffindor table on the end closest to where Snape sat with the rest of the professors. 

All at once, students came rushing in and taking their seats with their assigned houses. Harry was the first to notice Hermione, rushing past Ron and Ginny taking the seat directly next to her. 

“You're back!” He almost yelled. “Where have you been?” 

“The hospital Harry. Calm down.” She lied. 

“It's so nice to see you mione. I'm glad you're okay.” Ginny chimed in. 

“Did they figure out what Malfoy hit you with. He was aiming for me y’know.” Ron started.

Soon all her friends were throwing questions at her, not giving her time to answer. She was more than overwhelmed. She laid her head down in defeat.

Snape watched as the girl laid her head on her folded arms without even touching her food. The worried man stood up to check on her but was stopped by Minerva’s hand on his shoulder.

“Let her be Severus. She's just a bit overwhelmed.”

He sat back down ignoring his meal. What if she needed him. He would hear it in her thoughts wouldn't he? He kept all his focus on her, not caring who caught him staring at the girl.

Hermione's first class went on without a hitch. She was very tired after going twenty minutes without the professor. As soon as she got back to his chambers she plopped down face first on the sofa. He came in shortly after.

Severus kneeled down next to her, moving her hair out of her face. “Are you okay Miss Granger?”

“Mmm.. Yeah, just a bit dizzy.” She answered honestly.

“Sit up.”


“Sit up Hermione.” he demanded.

She blushed at the use of her first name and sat up slowly. It was a difficult task but she managed.

He sat down next to her and pushed her back down gently. He knew she was most comfortable with her head in his lap.

Hermione was asleep in a matter of minutes. He watched her face intently as her eyes began to flutter beneath her lids. Her lips parted slightly and she let out a cute little gasp, her cheeks tinted red. Severus grazed her cheek softly with his thumb as he watched her dream.

‘He wore only a pair of black sleep pants. She blushed at his displayed abdomen. She noticed him watching her with hungry eyes as she stalked closer to him. He moaned as she ran her small hands down his chest, lower… lower.

He jumped out of his seat, waking her before he could see where the dream was going. It was too much for him. Any longer and he would surely break. 

“Professor?” she asked, confused. “What happened?”

“Uhhh.” He quickly used his hands to cover the visible outline in his pants as a bright shade of red spread over his cheeks and down his neck. “You were just umm… dreaming.”

Realization struck her as her eyes flashed down to his hands. She quickly looked away. “O-oh.”

He turned around and sat down on the floor leaning his back against the couch. He brought his knees to his chest in order to hide the prominent bulge in his pants. He was struck with guilt.

“I'm sorry Miss granger.” He apologized. “I know how wrong it is for me to react this way.” He buried his face in his hands.

“It's not your fault sir.”

Damn her calling him sir. He almost moaned. Instead he shot her a pained glance. 

He wanted so badly to pin her against the couch she sat on. Kiss her beautiful lips. Slip his hands under her shirt.

He groaned deeply in his throat. It only made it worse knowing she wanted that too.

It took Snape a minute to calm himself down but he did. It was time for Hermione's next class… his class.

She would be able to attend the whole class this period thanks to him being her teacher and she had to admit, she was very excited to have even a hint of normalcy back in her life. So of course she was the first student in class.

She watched the way he moved as he wrote ingredients down on the board. She wondered what his muscles looked like moving underneath his robes. 

As the rest of the class filed into the room she heard a snicker and felt a presence behind her. Dracos body was far too close to her own as he whispered in her ear. 

“Back for more are we?” He asked seductively. Was he trying to flirt with her? After permanently bonding her to another man was the idiot seriously trying to flirt with her.

Severus grew angry at the sight. A scowl was prominent on his face.

“Malfoy back off Miss Granger and take your seat, 10 points from slytherin.” He hissed.

Draco scoffed but did as he was told. 

Snape had rescued her, and the way his voice sounded in that moment sent a pool of moisture to her lower regions. She wondered if she'd like him to use that voice on her. Yes she very much would like it, him drawing out her name in a low hiss scolding her. He’d press himself against her back, his hand holding her by the neck, forcing her to behave before bending her over his desk and---

“Damn! The git’s got a boner.” Ron yelled next to her. 

‘Shit’ She thought. Was she ever going to be able to control her thoughts?

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