this is how you redeem yourself

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It pains me to see the growth I am making for the past few years. Don't get me wromg, growth is essential, its probably the best phase of someone's journey.

but to be honest, it hurts to outgrow things that you love about yourself, the phase you want to keep. The things that you spent ages to make and keep has to be thrown away or can't be a part of what you are now.

Growth is not just being strong and taking a step forward to face what is, growth is also about leaving the past behind, taking one's self from things that comforts us.

Without doubt, I think we always have to strive for growth and explore new things. We just have to get used of the new things we have ~

and hope that someday soon,  I can reach the phase where I could finally go back and made up the times i've lost and take back the phases I left and make it a part of me again.


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