Chapter 6

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“A battle will soon come” A shadow-pelted tom mewed to the snow-white she-cat “Yes, HawkStar must be ready, as well as his clan, and should we tell them yet, that the light is rising?” The tom shook his head and mewed “No, The time will come to tell him, but not yet, I don’t want him to worry.” The white she-cat flicked her tail and mewed “I guess, but that time will come quickly, I feel the light is rising faster than we think, there is no way to stop it now.” The tom shook his head, looking over the ever rising LightClan “I guess you're right, we can’t stop it now, unless…” The she-cat’s eyes widened her tail started to lash and she mewed “What are you thinking, Killing them? We’ll be sent to the dark forest, we can’t stop this, the prophecy needs to go on now, and you can’t stop it.” The tom smiled “I think you underestimate me, Me , the best cat in StarClan, RidgeStar, now FallingFlake, you can’t say I can’t kill some cats, And I’m the oldest cat in StarClan, This first cat, They can’t send me off, you know this, and I will kill those traitors, ImmortalJay and SnakeScar.”

A/N: yeah more updates YAY, well heres chapter 6 and yeah


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