Chapter 4

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HawkStar stalked out of his den, his claws still unshealthed, He woke up before the Clan, ArcticCore’s body still in the middle of the camp, and He walked over to it and licked her ear, before pick up the body and stalking out of the camp. As HawkStar was walking, ArcticCore took a deep breath, jolting awake. Her waking scared HawkStar and he froze, as she kicked off his back, snarling. HawkStar blinked slowly, his claws unshealthed, his pelt matted and his claws stained with blood, he looked at his mate and smiled, running to her said and licking her shoulder, meowing “I thought you died.”

“I did” She mewed “StarClan let me have a second chance, They said someone told them to give me another chance.” HawkStar purred then mewed “I have an Idea.” She tilted her head, telling him to go on about this idea “Well, You could go be a rogue and I’ll tell the clan your body was taken and give me a chance to go all evil for a bit, And I will find out who did that to us.” She nodded and mewed “Sounds good to me, Just Don’t die.” HawkStar chuckled “You know me, I’ve lived for a bit now, and I’ve only lost one life and I’m fine.” She chuckled “I guess, but still, Wait are you saying you want me to be a kittypet!” She snapped Kittypet. HawkStar chuckled “I wouldn’t mind that, It would keep you the safest, Go back to your old twolegs, the one we were stuck in, They were kind.” ArcticCore snarled them sighed “Fine, if you care so much.” She chuckled, Stalking towards to Twoleg dens “HawkStar, Don’t die.” She mewed. HawkStar nodded “Same for you, my love.”

HawkStar padded towards camp, a fox bolted out of the bush and tackled him, biting one of his front legs, The clan looked out the entrance and gasped, HawkStar was pinned to the ground by the fox, HawkStar lunged forward and bit into the foxes neck, Blood splattered over the ground, A mixture of HawkStar’s and the foxes, HawkStar grabbed the foxes throat and trusted his head back, pulling its throat out, The foxes blood splattered over HawkStar’s pelt. He snarled “This will happen to the cat that killed ArcticCore.” He threatened. Every other cat crouched in fear as he stalked by them, his pelt covered in blood and wounds.

HawkStar sat on Shade Rock and yowled, seeming to be in a better mood than before, “Let all cats old enough to hunt in the shadows, gather beneath for a clan meeting.” His clanmates gathered around, looking up at him, as he spoke “I feel I have threatened you all too much, If so I am sorry, This has happened before, Remember when they were exiled, this same thing happened, but I have chosen, If you tied to kill me and ArcticCore, Step up now or this will get a lot worse.” A cat stalked into the clearing and glared up at HawkStar “Sorry HawkStar, But DirtFang would have been a better leader than you, you lose your little kittypet and go insane, I’m glad I killed her.” The cat snarled, HawkStar looked at the tom and smirked evilly “Well, SnakeScar, you always followed your brother, even when your mother didn’t, Sorry to say this but-” He stopped as ArcticCore walked into the camp, Every cat gasped, SnakeScar narrowed his eye in shock “What!” He yelped “But she died, HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING.” He snarled, leaping at ArcticCore and she quickly dodged and grabbed his neck lightly, lashing her head to the left and letting go, He got thrown into a thorn bush. SnakeScar limped from the thorns and looked at his clanmates “You will pay for this.” HawkStar smirked and mewed “Will we, SnakeScar?” The rest of the clan unshealthed their claws and growled deeply, even the elders and kits. HawkStar lashed his tail for silence and everyone stopped as he walked forward “SnakeScar, I hereby exiled you from DarkClan, if we see you around at all, we are going to kill you on the spot, So GET OUT OF MY CAMP NOW.” SnakeScar snarled one last time before bolting out of the camp and never to be seen again. A Cat from the nursery yowled in pain and MushroomBuzz bolted into her den and into the nursery. HawkStar leapt back to Shade Rock and mewed “If you see him when you are patrolling kill him, and if you see AppleClan or LightClan, Tell them they can kill SnakeScar if they see him as well.” HawkStar ordered his clan. They all nodded and another yell could be heard from the nursery and the yell cut off.

A/N: Again grammer and stuff


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