Sky People

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"Touch me and you can forget your plea for peace ever happening." I snarl at the savage, refusing to show any fear towards the weapon currently pointed at my head. "I will speak to the girl, and only the girl."

My eyes flicker between Bellamy and Clarke. Hoping that they would agree. Clarke showed weakness in soul, talking to her would be easy. She nods signalling for the others to leave.

"There is a bounty on Sky People," I sigh, "Helping you may cause my outcast."

She reluctantly releases my wrists from their chains, nodding at me. I narrow my eyes at the girl, trying to understand why she would trust me not to harm her. I am a savage, after all.

"There's no reason we can't live together in peace." She simply states, offering me her water, "I'm sorry for Murphy's actions, he's-"

"An imbecile." I interrupt her, causing her to chuckle.

"I'll give you that." She looks towards the door, "Look, there's this place - Mount Weather." Clarke stops as I flinch at the name, "You know of it?"

How could I not know of it? The Mountain Men were brutal, more barbaric than these Sky People. We've lost many men to the demons that reside within the mountain. When the disaster happened all those years ago, the remaining people split, those who stayed on the ground eventually evolved to withstand the radiation remaining. Of course, many died brutal deaths, but we are able to live in the open world. The people of Mount Weather are those that took to the under to shelter from this radiation, while we thrive on land, the pale faces cannot live in our conditions. Yet we still lose hundreds of our people to these demons, and their alliance with the Reapers.

"What of it?" I hold my breath, if the Commander knew I was here with a possible Mountain ally, I'd be sentenced to death at once.

"I know they have your people, hundreds of them." She sighs, painfully, "Caged and drained of blood. I know because they have my people too. I escaped."

"Lies." I spit. This pathetic being would never be able to escape those demons. Not alone.

"Anya. She helped me escape." My eyes light up, my sister was alive. She'd escaped the pits of hell. Wait. If she'd escaped, why had she not made an appearance to the Commander?

"Where is she?" I ask, my heart beating faster, "I must see her."

Clarke fiddles with something within her pocket, looking at the ground, "Anya is.." She stops, "She was ki-"

"No." I drop to the floor. This couldn't be right, Anya was much too smart to get herself killed. She'd escaped many impossible situations. How could she be dead and this savage alive? Trying not to allow tears to spill, I face the girl, "Tell me she died well."

"She saved my life." Clarke smiles humbly, lowering to my level, "I owe it to her to bring union between our people."

"Ton DC," I sigh, " The commander is there, where our warriors sleep." I place my hand on Clarke's arm, "I cannot guarantee she will see you, but the commander will be there. "

"That's all I need," She smiles at me calmly, "I'm sorry for the way you were treated."

I nod, "I only ask that you show me the one the rags belong to. Show me Lincoln." She seems confused, "He deserves a warriors burial, outcast or not."

"Lincoln?" She furrows her brows at me, "Lincoln isn't- we wouldn't harm him. He's been nothing but help to us."

"Where is he?" I shout, causing the one they call Bellamy to barge into the room.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to see him now." Clarke tries to calm me. The thought of losing another shakes me. 

"Clarke," I address her sternly, "Show me him."

She sighs, nodding towards Bellamy.

I follow her as she guides me into a poorly lit room. This feels wrong. "You shouldn't see him like this." I continue following the haired girl.

"Like what?" I narrow my eyes. Shackles and chains hang from the ceiling, connecting to a frail, shaking body curled up on the floor. A girl sits at the opposite side of the room, watching him intensely. 

"Lincoln?" I whimper. If this is how they treat their so-called 'friends', I fear what will happen to me. I push passed Bellamy, sprinting towards the broken figure. The dark haired girl, previously watching his every move, stands uneasy. "What have you done to him?" I spit, placing my hand on his scarred back. Blood and bruises cover him.

"Why'd you bring one of them here?" I hear the dark haired girl whisper to Bellamy, who shrugs. "You know they want him dead."

I shake her comment off, focusing on getting a response from Lincoln instead. "Li," I push at his shoulder, "Li. You will not leave me like this." I push again, "Li."

A weight pressures my shoulder, the sky people leader kneeling down beside me. "Lincoln is heavily sedated." Clarke's tone is soft, caring, "The mountain men are doing this to your people. They're not just working with the reapers,"she pauses, forcing me to look at her, "they're creating them."


"Clarke," I demand, twisting my dagger in hand, "You will come with me."

Her clan looks uneasy, worried, they do not trust me. Why would they? We are enemies. Bellamy narrows his eyes at me, studying my every movement. The boy is puzzling, he is tough in strength but weak with the girl. It is prevalent that he cares for her. "I will get an audience with the commander."

Clarke looks to her people, as if to reassure them. They followed her every word. She nods at Bellamy, who gestures to the rest of her people to head back to their camp. His heavy boots make there way to the exit, stopping shortly as he composes a reassuring nod towards Clarke.

"She is tough," I sigh. The commander was harsh, brutal even, convincing her to speak to the savage would be next to impossible. Almost definitely impossible, but even I knew that this was the lesser of two evils. "She is impossible."

"You have food, water?" She nods, "Tondc is a while away."

I fidget with the fabric around my wrist. Never have I felt so uncomfortable. Then again, I'd never made a deal with my enemy. "Clarke," I cough, "This may be a wasted journey. You are aware of that," I sigh, "There is no guarantee that she will listen, even if you are allowed an audience."

Clarke echos my sigh, grabbing her belongings. "We have to try."

Weight of Living // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now