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He's not breathing. Shit. He's not breathing.
I frantically look between the sky people. An older woman backs away from Lincoln allowing the dark haired girl to fall to his side. She screams out as if she was the one in pain.
"Kill them." The commander utters. It's chaos. My people lunge for Clarke's as Bellamy reaches for his gun. My eyes flit between Clarke and the older woman.
"Wait." I shout, temporarily causing the others to postpone their killings.
It gives the woman just enough time to jab whatever tool she possessed into Lincoln's torso. Within seconds, the once lifeless mess begins coughing and gasping.
How is he alive?
These people possessed skills we had never even dreamed of. We'd now know how to bring our families back. How to reverse the reapers curse. I'm physically stunned. I had witnessed my only family die in front of my eyes, then be brought back from his lifeless stage just moments later. I'm beyond relieved, but that relief does not last long.
"Shei," the commander calls me over, "You willingly put my life in danger, and though your claims reign true. You are no longer to reside with Trigedakru." My breath hitches as she speaks low, "Do you understand?"
I nod, disheartened.
The commander switches her attention to the blonde attending to Lincoln, "We will discuss the terms for our truce at dawn." Taking one last look at the sky people, the commander exists the drop ship.

I begin to panic. What was I to do? Where was I to go? I had no home now. If I even went near Tondc, they'd have my head. The commander had always had it out for me. Of course, anyone would if they knew you were next in line for their job. I didn't want to be commander, Lexa knew that. So why was she so on edge around me? She resented me. Lexa was a power hungry, cold heda. Yet, like Clarke, her people were her first priority. She resented me because I didn't die at the hands of the Ice Nation's queen, but Costia did. She blamed me for her lovers death. Though she had only herself to blame. I was not the reason she was killed.
Lexa became cold. She claimed love was weakness. This, banishing me from my home, was her revenge.

I fall to Lincoln's side, defeated. Tears threaten to fall and I'm to weak to stop them. I weep. Unable to control myself. I had almost lost my Lincoln, and now I had lost my home. I had no one.
I feel a dainty hand rest on my shoulder, scuffed nails and mud covered. It was Clarke. She speaks softly to me, "You can stay and watch over Lincoln. I'm sure a familiar face would be good to wake up to," I nod slightly, wiping a tear from my cheek, "Thank you, lukot."
She mumbles something to Bellamy as she stands up to leave. The treaty. She was going to discuss the treaty. Lexa would want more than what was promised. She is full of greed and hatred. Her innocent face and youth easily fools many.
"Don't trust the girl." I mutter to myself. Clarke had no idea what she was getting involved with. She was too quick to trust her enemy. Lexa had no problem betraying people's trust. Even that of her bloodline.


I slouch down next to the dark haired girl. I had never seen her leave Lincoln's side. It was clear that she cared deeply for him. "You're the girl from his sketches." The girl has bitterness on her tongue. I nod firmly, I would not allow this girl stare me down.
"You care about him a lot, right?" She interrogates me. Her melodic voice tainted with venom.
"Yes." I state, annoyance present in my voice. Why was she questioning me?
"Why?" She's bitter, "Why are you here? Your people banished him."
"My people also banished me." She begins to irritate me, "Do not question my actions."
I ignore her huffs as I check on Li. I was still stunned at what I had witnessed just hours ago. He seemed perfectly fine, exhausted but fine.
"Li is family." I dab his face with a damp cloth, "My only family."
"Oh." She seems shocked. Embarrassed, maybe.
"I assume you're the one he spoke of," I turn to face her, "Octavia, is it?"
She nods, smiling slightly.
"Lincoln never spoke of me, I'm guessing." I sigh. Disappointed with my  brother-like figure. "I'm Shei, since this splita hasn't even mentioned his own family."
She smiles slightly, passing me a clean cloth.
"He saved me, y'know," I squeeze the liquid from the damp material, "My parents were killed in a raid. My sister joined the Commanders army and I was left alone. Li became closest thing to a proper family I had, even if we were not that of blood."
"He saved me, too." Octavia sits beside me, resting her head on my shoulder, "Multiple times. I can't lose him. Not again."
I nod, losing Lincoln would be hell. I'd truly be alone without him. I sigh; "Rest, Octavia." The poor girl had done nothing but cater to an unconscious idiot all day, she deserved a break. "Please."
She hesitates at first before realising that resting would be best for her. She was no help to Lincoln exhausted. Octavia smiles politely before fixing a place to sleep. "Thank you," she yawns, forcing herself to sleep.

Weight of Living // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now