Chapter twenty-nine

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Morenikeji's POV

  Richard's father had arrived earlier today together with the security agents and our encounter was quite unpleasant. He came into the house after Adamu came in and he eyed me angrily.

"Good morning, sir" I greeted.
No reply.
"Would you like something to eat?" I said smiling nervously.
"What do you want from my son?" He blurted out.
"I don't understand"

"At first, I thought you were just a one night stand and I overlooked it. Heck, I wanted to even ignore the idea of Richard dating you but this happened.
I would have even tried to be happy for him but not anymore. This is happening because of you".
Before he finished speaking, I was in tears. He's right.
"Sir, please don't be hard on her. Morenikeji is a good person and truly loves your son. She is not blame for the kidnap of Richard, she has suffered a lot. Please hear out" Adamu defended me.

"What could she possibly have to say? Are there not better girls out there? How has she even suffered?"

"You have not seen how Richard looks at her. When I heard about her from Richard I felt he wanted his money but I met her and my thoughts were proven wrong. When Richard is not around, she worries, she cares about him and I'm certain she is not who you think she is. Life has been hard enough for her please don't make it worse."

He finished and I'm quite sure my jaw was on the floor. To say I was amazed would be an understatement, I never expected Adamu to say such good things about me.

"Okay but I'm taking your word for it. Now how do we find my son?"
"The security agents are tracking his car since his driver knows his plate number."
"Okay" Mr McDougal said glancing at me.

Richard's POV

  I was left with one man pointing a gun at me.
I heard gun shots everywhere, I wanted to move but I couldn't risk it.
Julie came in limping and her thigh was bleeding, she collected the gun and pointed it at my forehead.

"So this is it?" I asked trying hard to hide the panic behind my voice. I was scared, terrified even. If she kills me, that's the end for Keji. I failed you, Keji I'm sorry. Tears fell from my eyes as she pulled the trigger and I closed my eyes waiting for the bullet to hit me but it didn't.

I opened my eyes and it dawned on me that the man who was holding the gun had ran in front of me thereby, allowing the bullet to hit his chest but why? Why would he save me?

"Look at this fool, there are more bullets in the gun so you just wasted your life" she spoke irritation laced in her voice.

"I.... I just wa....wanted to do the right thing fo.... for once in my life" and those were his last words before he gave up the ghost.
Then I heard a voice from behind Julie.

"Ma'am, I suggest you put that gun down" the man said and she resumed pointing it at me.
"What if I say no?" She replied smiling.

He pointed his gun at the back of her head.

"I said put that gun down"
She shook her head no.

I heard a loud gun shot, she was shot on her leg by the man who I noticed was a security agent and she fell flat on the floor but she wasn't having it yet. She shot me on my thigh and the pain was unbearable but I know she would have shot me on the chest if her hands weren't weak due to the amount of blood she had lost.

She screamed in pain as the security agent jerked her up and put handcuffs on her hands while seizing the gun from her.

She would be taken to the hospital under arrest then taken to the police when she's well. I'll testify in court against her too. I was taken in an ambulance to the hospital.

  I was put in a private ward and a drip was connected to my arms. I was injected with something to make me sleep and everything went black, the only thing I heard was the fading noise coming from the cardiac monitor beside me.

Beep beep beep...... silence.

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