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Author's Note

After much contemplation, deliberation, procrastination, inspiration, decision-making and confrontations, I finally arrived at a conclusion to write this story, my first and yet to be published worldwide 'Satan's most wanted person'.

Someone would ask,
Why that title "Satan's most wanted person?
⚫Who is Satan's most wanted?

Well, you are yet to find out as you read.

To all who kept telling me to write something and stop wasting time because they've seen a potential best-selling author in me, most especially my husband, well...I want you to know that your voices have been heard.

While I am doing this, Keep praying, motivating, criticising constructively and supporting me and you will see your desirable results.

Note that this story is written under the African-Ghanaian setting so all you Americans, Asians, Europeans and Australians out there are humbly welcome to experience culture and religious diversity/dynamism.

I want to write something relatable to all irrespective of your background, culture, religious beliefs, ideologies ; believe me that has been my desire and goal thus a chosen challenge. This story is going to get you connected. There should/would be something in there for you.

Brace yourself. This story is a non-fiction but fictional one, there would be quotes of biblical references and expositions as well as worldly peripheral, character's views and development, their thoughts and whatnot so yeah it's going to cut across and we will definitely arrive at that BOOM EFFECT. This book has got me hitched on some research findings and jogged me on historical memory lane education. (Knowledge is power)

Also, we are going to dig through Satan's point of view and other angels as well, that's what going to be the challenging twist to it since he is known to be cunning and sly.

⚫Who are my targeted readers?
Answer: Basically, any broad thinking, open-minded, mature, wisdom-filled, willing to know more, young adults, Christian and non-Christians, adult, teen and aged person (s) out there.

I thank God for granting me the opportunity and the gift of writing as well as the spirit of inspiration.

Names of main characters

Akosua Xorlali:  Akosua pronounced as Ah-ko-su-yah a Ghanaian Akan name meaning born on Sunday, Xorlali -Ghanaian Ewe name pronounced as Hor-la-lee meaning saviour lives

Claunt Luc Edmon: Claunt or Clauneck is the demon responsible of wealth, Luc is just the short form of Lucifer.
I gave him that surname since he is the most favourite one amongst Lucifer's archangel, Edmon is an anagram I created from 'Demon'

Since their names play a vital role on their characters


Let me explain the image, the portrait of an artwork I've used for this story

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Let me explain the image, the portrait of an artwork I've used for this story. You see a beautiful African lady, well dressed, made-up with her hair also biblically known as (crown of glory) wrapped up in a gele or headscarf. Her illustration has a meaning; There are two hands wrapped around her neck, and her eyes are closed in a nostalgic mood. Her expression is somewhat emotionless and that's the look of someone who has been through a lot. Those two hands belongs to two deities one is Jesus and the other is Satan. When you watch closely, one hand seems to be draping down and the other is still around the neck.... (read the story to find out what they represent)

© 2021 by Eunice Nkansah

All rights reserved
  This story is subjected to the copyright law. No part or whole of this book should be plagiarized, reproduced, stored, transmitted, and translated in any form  or by any means -for example, electronic, photocopy etc -without my prior approval and permission. This is my work and I am entitled to all rights pertaining to it. Any perpetrator caught or reported will be subpoenaed to provide the original copy with date attachment. 

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