Chapter One

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I sat on the floor of my small hut of Tipoca City, Kamino. I was raised in this rainy climate with my mother and father. I had small wooden dolls in my hands, ones that my father had carved for me. He had always done things of those sorts because he loved my mother and I, more than anyone would ever know.

I don't remember much from those days, but I do remember what happened when I lost my parents. My mother was cooking dinner; it most likely had fish in it. After all, we lived on Kamino. The plant of water, oceans, rain, and those weird clone aliens.

Nothing against Kaminoans, though. My best friend is - or was a Kaminoan. His name was Jah'lo and he was my neighbor. We spent every waking hour together, switching houses to play and occasionally playing in the rain (if my mother would let me). He was there when I lost my parents.

My father was in another room of the small hut, I believe. He was most likely building of some sort. That was what he was always doing. It seemed like a normal night; The rain pouring down on our tin roof, the clash of the water droplet and the thin metal echoing throughout the house. Some found it annoying, but I've always found it soothing.

Jah'lo and I sat on the floor of the living room, my mother still cooking in the kitchen. There was a doorway that separated the two rooms, but it was open so you could still see into the other. The front door of our home was in the living room, and I remember sitting criss-cross applesauce with my small wooden dolls when my father burst in the door.

"They're here!" He said frantically. My mother dropped everything she was holding and rushed over to me.

She grabbed me by the arm as she said, "Jah'lo, go tell your parents to send out the hologram. It's time." She said. Jah'lo looked just as scared as I was, but he obeyed and hurried out the door. My father was soaked; he had clearly been standing outside. My mother pulled me into my bedroom, shutting the door behind her. She opened my closet and pushed all of my robes aside, revealing a small door in the back. I had never even known it was there.

"Myra, I love you very much. Remember that." She told me as she grabbed my hand and pulled a necklace off from around her neck. She pressed it into my palm as she kissed my cheek.

"I need you to stay here, okay? They cannot know about you, or they will come for you as well." My mother reached behind her and pulled the door open. "Go, sit in there. I don't know how long it will be, but I have placed blankets and water in there for you." She kissed my cheek again as a tear rolled down her own.

"Mommy, what's happening?" I heard the front door open and shouts began soon after.

"We are out of time." She told me. She pushed me into the small cubby behind my robes. "I love you, Myra. Never forget that." The tears streamed down my mothers cheeks as she tucked my dirty blonde hair behind my ear. She placed her pointer finger on her lips, signaling me to be silent. I nodded as she shut the cubby. There was no light; darkness filled the cubby. It was crammed, but I was small enough to fit. From outside, I heard many voices that I didn't recognize. I couldn't make out a whole lot of the words, but I was able to understand some.

"Whose room is this?" A deep voice, a man's, asked.

"It is a spare," My mother's voice quivered. My fear consumed me as I curled into a ball, holding the wooden pendant in my hand. I couldn't see it, but I was able to feel out the shape. It was a lightning bolt; my mother and father had always called me their bolt of lightning due to how much energy I had as a child.

"You have no children?" Another unrecognizable voice asked.

"No, I am infertile." My mother lied. The voices faded as they pulled her out of the room. As they grew farther, their voices grew quieter until it was silent.

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