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chapter sixty-two

"Are you sure that you'll be alright here without me?"

My mother placed a tight hand on my shoulder, her other hand gripping a suit case.

I nodded, trying my best to reassure her. "I won't be alone, I'm going home for Thanksgiving."

I had somehow managed to convince my mother to go on a business trip over Thanksgiving that was nearly halfway across the world in California.

Even though she'd been hesitant about going, my constant reassurance and offering to even go home for Thanksgiving made her less weary.

"Alright, well, since Fredrick is picking you up, you don't need any keys. I can pick you up from home if you'd like, just call me," she offered as I nearly shoved her out of the door. "No matter what happens don't go see that boy, alright? Bye, Annabeth."

I waved as I closed the door behind her. Part of me felt bad about lying to my mother. Over this Thanksgiving break not only was I going to find Percy, I was also not going home.

Athena had been surprisingly easy to lie to this time. She hasn't even double checked my plans with my father, probably eager to be alone.

After waiting nearly the whole day, making sure that Athena had left, I bundled myself up in my coat and grabbed the letter from Percy, which I kept under my pillow.

I shoved the letter in my pocket as I locked the door and headed down to the street. I quickly called a cab and ordered the driver to take me to Percy's address.

The cab ride seemed never ending. When we finally arrived I paid the man and grinned. This was it, this was his apartment.

My whole body shook from my nerves and the cold as I climbed the stairs and made my way to the apartment I remembered to be Percy's.

I sighed before softly knocking on the door, my hands shaking.

After a few seconds I heard a groan. Footsteps came to the door and then it swung open.

Standing in front of me was an old short and squat woman with graying hair pulled into a tight bun. I'd never seen her in my life.

I frowned as I checked the apartment number in confusion. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong apartment. Could you direct me to the Jackson apartment?"

She frowned. "I'm missing my show for this? Dumb blonde...."

"Could you please tell me where the Jackson apartment is?" I asked angrily through bared teeth.

Her eyes widened as she nodded. "Jeez, no need to take that tone with me. Let me see, the Jackson's? I'm new, I don't know these people very well..."

"Oh, okay," I replied. "The apartment must be near yours, right?"

She shrugged and then her eyes widened. "The Jackson's you say? The woman with brown hair, the older fellow, and then that one teenager with the messy hair?"

I nodded with a grin, clearly excited. "Yes, yes! That's them. Their names are Sally, Percy, and—"

"I don't care about their names," she interrupted, which caused me to groan. "This is their old apartment, they moved out months ago."

My eyes widened as the paper tightened in my grasp and grew close to ripping. "What....what do you mean? Are they okay, were they evicted?"

"No, nothing like that. Just found a new place. I swear they left me the address some place in case I got their mail," she whispered to herself. Then she turned to me and shrugged. "Anyways, bye now, strange girl."

"No, wait!" I cried as I shoved my hand in her door. She rolled her eyes. "Could I...could I by any chance have their new address?"

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