Untitled Part 3

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Goro POV:

The room is much nicer than I had expected, though, when arriving, the sprawling mansion should have been a dead giveaway that V had very much understated the extent of this friend's status.

Not that I would complain.

The meeting had turned... heavy.

V dropping the bomb rather unceremoniously, leaving her friend understandably shocked. I had hoped to talk more, get to know who I will be staying with, but V's word will have to be enough to go on.

For now.

After spending so much time with V, and then meeting this new woman, I find myself wondering what choices led them so far apart. They are so different, yet clearly still very connected to each other. One wearing her emotions on her sleeve and being brash in her aggressive actions towards everything and everyone, the other keeping her composure and carrying herself with an air of confidence more akin to the educated elite I am accustomed to. Both relatable in their own ways.

But, how is it that these two grew up together? Came from the same streets?

Yet, came to exist in 2 vastly different paths of life.

Maybe, with time, I will be able to learn more.

For now, I unpack my things into the closet, a strange sensation taking root as I inspect the room that I will be calling home for... well... I do not know how long. Though there are definitely comforts in staying here, I find myself settling into old habits: checking the corners, feeling along the lamp shades, scanning the mirrors, and affixing a small handgun to the underside of the bedside table.

I find no cameras, no microphones, no hidden surveillance. This puts me at ease somewhat, allowing me to realize the significant time that had passed, and to become aware of the ache in my stomach as a low growl sounds.

A quick splash of water on my face does well to refresh my tired, travel-weary eyes. While I wish for nothing more than to shower and collapse into bed, I find myself intrigued and do not want to waste the opportunity for further conversations.

After all, I do not want to be rude to my gracious host.

Getting to know one another could prove invaluable.

I shed my jacket, hoping it will not be too informal for dinner as I roll up my sleeves to sit just above my elbows.

As if on cue, I receive a message that dinner is ready from an unknown sender.

V must have already shared my current contact information.

Rather than reply, I make my way towards the door, catching a brief glimpse of myself in the mirror as I pass by. I take pride in maintaining a professional, clean appearance on most days, but today I barely recognize the tired, graying man staring back at me.

With a sigh, I pass through the door and do my best to follow the admittedly mouthwatering fragrance that grows stronger with each step.

I do not consider myself to have ever been a man with wandering eyes, but find myself transfixed as I round the corner to see her. She was dressed well earlier, but her current choice of a black dress... suits her to say the least.

Swallowing thickly, I reorient myself before clearing my throat to make my presence known. Her eyes land on me with a smile, creating an uncomfortable stirring of heat in my cheeks as my chest tightens.

She motions to the already set table, "Decided to join me?"

"As I said before," I offer a soft smile and pull one of the chairs out for her, doing my best to ignore the faint smell of her perfume and the tattoo trailing along the soft skin of her back, "I am happy to join you."

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