Untitled Part 5

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"So," you insist on taking his plate, helping him to clean the kitchen since he had done the cooking, "why not run away to some countryside village in Japan rather than coming back here?"

His eyes peer over at you briefly, brows raising slightly as he finishes drying the dish in his hands before turning and crossing his arms, leaning against the counter to face you, "Does it matter?"

With a small shrug, you finish putting away the last of the clean silverware, "just making conversation, trying to get to know my new roommate."

"Roommate?" he chuckles softly, a genuine smile crinkling along the corners of his eyes, "a step up from guest, I suppose."

"A well-deserved promotion," you tease playfully.

"I will wear the title with honor," he nods his head in a shallow bow, his eyes warming as they meet yours again.

Your chest tightens, good grief how is this man real?

"So?" you quirk a brow, steering the conversation back to more serious tones and attempting to keep your mind on track.

He glances away again, "I can assure you, it is a much less interesting reason than you may think."

"Real life tends to work that way."

"That it does," he nods very matter-a-fact and sighs, "I have spent my whole life growing with the Arasaka corporation, devoting everything to them and to my job; my career; my livelihood; my duty," he takes a moment to stare at some distant point on the wall as he chooses his next words, "I... found that I did not have many I could trust, or turn to, when I began to question those decisions; questioning Arasaka. As much as it pains me, I needed help, and V has been there for me in a way I am not able to say of anyone else. I knew I could trust her."

You watch his expression change, softening when he speaks about V. It both warms your heart, and creates a knot in your stomach. "V tends to see the truth in people, knowing who's worth helping. Trust is hard to find these days, especially in corporate life, but I hope we can count on each other as well."

His eyes meet yours, no matter how long they bore into you, you can't quite pinpoint their exact color: silver? Icy blue? Maybe a hint of gold? The light plays tricks, dancing along the slivers of the optic's irises as he studies you in return. "You can rely on me, if the need ever arises, to help in any way possible; a friend of V held in her high regard automatically earns my utmost respect."

"I could say the same," you shift your weight away from the counter, moving toward the large fridge to select what to start thawing for dinner, "V had mostly nice things to say about you."

He chuckles, the sound instantly going to your core. A blast of cold air against your skin from the open freezer a welcome respite from the heat flushing in your cheeks.

"She can be a..." he pauses, brows knitting momentarily before his eyes widen and he snaps his fingers, "ah, I remember now; she can be a pain in the ass."

You can't help the short laugh that parts your lips, enjoying the playful side of him that seems to already be more prevalent with each conversation. Though you had only just begun your time together, you feel intrigued to learn more, and hope his own experiences to be positive while staying here. You want him to be comfortable, feel safe here, allow him to explore whatever mental journey he needs to embark in a conducive environment.

Admittedly, your reasons may be somewhat selfish, in that you find yourself wanting to be the person who helps him through it all. He talks highly of V, his eyes almost lighting up at her name; you wonder if he would ever light up at your name, if he would ever smile while speaking of you to someone else.

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