Untitled Part 9

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You stir slightly, squeezing the pillow as you flex into your limbs, waking up slowly and allowing yourself a big stretch before opening your eyes. You sit upright, glancing around, the events of last night coming back to you as you remember how you came to be on the couch.

Goro must have covered you with a blanket, whether he was being a gentleman or just trying to make up for your lack of pants remains to be seen...

You still feel a bit embarrassed by the whole situation, though admittedly, you did enjoy feeling like he was opening up to you a bit. Even with temptation being so overwhelming, you had kept your hands – mostly – to yourself, and behaved more than not.

Stretching again, you hear the faint clatter of dishes coming from the kitchen, finally noticing a delicious smell wafting through the house.

You smile softly to yourself, wrapping the blanket around your shoulders as you pad sleepily around the corner to see Goro at the stove.

He's already dressed, but the sight of him tightens your chest regardless.

He still hasn't noticed you, giving you the opportunity to study him briefly, though probably not the best idea given how sinfully sensual this man makes something so simple as cooking seem...

Especially now that you know what's underneath that shirt...

You shake yourself, wrapping the blanket tighter before moving to one of the cabinets, grabbing 2 small mugs to make hot tea.

"Ah," his eyes land on you, chuckling at your appearance, you can only imagine how terrible you look, "good morning to you. Did you sleep well?"

"Try not to judge too harshly," you yawn and lean against the counter, your eyes still adjusting to the light as you wait for the tea kettle to heat up.

"I do not know what you are talking about."

"I know I must look a mess right now," you glance over at him, seeing him smirk in your direction, "just give me an hour and then we'll forget this ever happened."

He chuckles again and sets a plate at either side of the table in your usual spots, "I think you are beautiful as ever."

"I'm gonna choose to take that as a compliment," you yawn again and straighten your posture, fixing two cups of tea just in case, "and flattery will get you everywhere Mr. Takemura."

He quirks a brow at your use of his last name, taking the cup from your extended hand, albeit somewhat surprised, "thank you, I have not had tea in quite some time."

"There's a whole cabinet full," you motion over your shoulder as you sit, "stuff from all over the world, help yourself if you ever want any."

He takes his own seat, a bemused grin seeming permanently affixed across his features at your sleepily casual demeanor, "I appreciate that greatly."

Breakfast helps, as does the tea, waking you fully and allowing you to process actual conversation with Goro before excusing yourself.

Once back in the safety of your room, you shed the blanket and flop down on your bed, groaning into your pillow from the overwhelming embarrassment that had built up overnight.

There must be a point where this man grows tired of your antics, or perhaps he found them to be the one amusing thing in his stay here. Either way, last night leaves you feeling torn between being mortified and feeling almost giddy.

Goro felt like he was opening up, like you were getting closer, making him comfortable with trusting you and with living in your home. Honestly, it feels strange to think back just a few days ago, to a time before you knew Goro existed. Now you can't imagine having this entire place to yourself.

With a sigh, you drag yourself over to your closet, quickly dressing for the day and doing your best not to let your mind wonder too frequently to Goro.

Goro POV:

She's adorable in the mornings, half asleep, messy hair, blanket draped around her body to hide her state of undress. But, as she returns from her room dressed more like her usual self, I immediately find my chest tighten.

I am utterly convinced: there is not a single thing this woman could wear that would not make her irresistibly appealing...

She doesn't seem to take notice of my eyes trailing over her, her smile broadening as I barely manage to discern her words asking if I had any plans for the day.

"I'm not sure," my brows furrow, I had almost always had my days set for me... since youth I was trained and given a regimen, then my career dictated my day-to-day through my entire adult life following Saburo, "I... I cannot say the last time I was given the option to decide."

Her eyes soften, "well, how about this," she sets a tablet on the table, sitting next to me so that our shoulders briefly touch, "we've got two options for the day. 1: you can use those badass bodyguard skills to help me scope out a potential new building purchase," I raise my brow at this, smirking slightly at her choice of words before she continues, "or... we can just hangout, give you a proper tour of the house. Maybe," she nudges me playfully, "you can teach me how to cook a Japanese dinner?"

I find myself ... excited? For once I genuinely have to bite back the broad grin threatening to expose how happy she just made me. I feel the need to quell my emotions, to stay calm.

"I do not see why we cannot do both," I shrug slightly, meeting her eyes, "I would enjoy getting to know more about each other, as well as helping you with 'badass bodyguard' things."

She giggles softly, my lips curling into a crooked smirk before I can stop them. I would do anything to keep that smile on her face, to know I was the reason for her happiness and laughter.

Even if the sentiment is not returned to the same degree, I do find comfort in knowing we seem to be growing closer. And I must admit, the prospect of her asking my advice with things she believes me to be 'badass' with brings a swell of pride to my chest. I know I was good at my job... that I am good at the things I was tasked to do, but having her say as much and to look to me for guidance... I quite enjoy this feeling.

She pulls up the building schematics on her tablet, leaning back against the couch and angling it slightly for me to see as she flips through and begins telling me about the location. I use the excuse to drape my arm across her shoulders, to lean into her, shifting myself close to that her arm presses against my side. She doesn't seem to mind, perhaps thinking I just want to see better, though my eyes fall on her more than the actual building blueprints...

I do quite enjoy the process anyway, finding her to know more than I would have thought in regards to security establishment. Though, she smiles at my comments, taking my input to heart and getting excited at a few things I pointed out to her.

I cannot say that I have ever truly shared a moment like this with anyone... felt like I could share both my skillset and my emotional side at the same time, usually needing to switch off my feelings to be more efficient in my position; a smiling, laughing bodyguard would intimidate no man.

Especially not a blushing one.

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