Careful What You Wish For

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My P.O.V.

We drove into the driveway of our home and parked. We had just gotten back from the movie theater after seeing 'The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies'. Whilst everyone else in the car, excited and laughing, I slowly left the car in a terrible state. During the ending of the movie, I sobbed like a newborn baby because three of my favorite characters were murdered by those sons of b- Sorry... So anyway, the day went on as usual. When it was time for bed, as usual, I replayed the movie in my mind. When I came near the end, I began to cry. I saw Bilbo hold Thorin's now lifeless body sobbing to no end. I couldn't imagine the pain and anguish he was going through. He had gained a wonderful friend only to lose him within just a matter of minutes... I sat up in bed and look out my window into the sky. Normally, the Houston night sky wasn't lit up by stars, but by building windows and streetlights. Exctept for that night, a lone star shone as brightly as the moon. I closed my eyes and, like a child, made a wish.

"I-I wish... I wish that I was in 'The Hobbit' so that way it would end differently..." I wished.

I repeated the wish until I fell asleep.


My Dreamscape

I walked for what seemed like an eternity until I saw a figure draped in a dark silvery blue cloak appeared in front of me.

In a deep, kind of scary voice he asked, "If you accept this wish, are you ready to face whatever comes next?"

His voice was so terrifying and strong it made me shudder. I looked away for a moment and thought. Was I really ready for whatever was to come? With a deep sigh, I nodded. Then a light swallowed me whole and then... Silence...


Third person P.O.V.

Birds were chirping, bees were buzzing, and people were chattering amongst themselves in the distance. The Shire was as peaceful as ever. But in a small meadow near Baggend, a young woman laid sleeping unaware of her surroundings. She began to stir fluttering her eyes open. Her eyes flew open now becoming aware of where she was. She quickly sat up and looked around the meadow. Her head began to spin with questions. Where was she? How did she get there? Why was she in a meadow? She began frantically looking around for answers. Then she heard the chattering of people nearby. She knew that if there were people, there would be answers. She stood up and made her way to the voices. When she came over the hill, her jaw dropped. There before her were Hobbits of all shapes and sizes, Hobbit Holes, and small markets all a bustle. The woman shook her head hard, not believing anything that she was seeing. She began to walk down the dirt road in a daze. Was she truly in the Shire in the mythical world of Middle-Earth? No... It was impossible... She then came to a Hobbit Hole where a satchel, a set of old clothes, a key looking sword, and a note hung on a fence post. She walked up to it and read the note.

~Dear Kaitlin,

Your wish has been granted. You will help change the story.


'Huh... I guess that why people say to be careful what you wish for...' She thought to herself. Then she fainted.

Between the Raindrops: Me X ThorinWhere stories live. Discover now