Secrets and Memories [Tino Arteaga] for Alyssa_Perez

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I hope you like this!  I didn't really know a lot about Tino before I started writing this.  I looked up interviews and stuff on YouTube, however, and I developed a sort of obsession about him.  Not in a creepy way, but, like, in a JFC-TINO-YOU'RE-SO-AMAZING-LET-ME-LOVE-YOU way.  So, yeah.  I had a fun time writing this, and I hope you enjoy it! :)



"Jesus Christ, Tino," Alyssa sighed, exasperated.  "This was supposed to be a romantic weekend with you, but so far we've done nothing but argue!"

Tino threw his hands up angrily.  "Oh, and you think I want to argue?"  His voice was a harsh whisper.  There was no need to make a scene in the fancy restaurant.

"I know you don't Tino.  I know you.  Jesus, sometimes you act like we haven't been together for two  years!"

It was too much. Everything here just looked so expensive and nothing on the menu was less than fifteen dollars and goddammit she told him not to do all of this. She would be happy with just him and her snuggling up in a hotel room watching "Elf" because it was the only thing they could agree on. Hell, she would be happy if she were freezing cold walking around Central Park with him because he's Tino and she would be damned if she said she didn't love him and just being with him made all the bad stuff just go away.

But lately, he'd been irritable and so . . . not him. She felt him pulling away. So she was taken by surprised when he'd suggested they take the weekend off and just spend it together, for their three-year anniversary.

She glanced up at him; he was looking as angry and frustrated as she felt.  Alyssa ran a hand through her dark curls, thoroughly forgetting about how it'd taken her nearly two hours to get her hair that way, it being so long.

Tino sighed as he watched Alyssa run her fingers through her hair.  She only did that when she was upset. 

"Look, Alyssa, I'm sorry I just . . . do you just wanna get out of here?"

She nodded numbly and grabbed her purse.  She quickly pulled a five out of her purse and set it on the table when she thought he wasn't looking.  Tino smiled, assuming it was an apology to the waiter for wasting his time, even though they hadn't even ordered a drink yet.  But that was just Alyssa, and that was why he loved her; she was so kind-hearted and beautiful and his.

He grasped her hand as they walked out of the restaurant, earning him a shocked look.  Alyssa thought they were still in the 'you're-not-my-favorite-person-at-the-moment-don't-touch-me' phase of the argument.  She still grinned and leaned into him, however.  She could never pass up an opportunity to hold his hand.

They walked through the square, their breath coming out in misty clouds and Christmas lights flashing everywhere, reminding them it was almost Christmas.

"What are you getting the guys for Christmas?"  Alyssa asked light-heartedly, genuinely curious because, for some reason, she still didn't know what to get them.

Tino just shrugged, leaving Alyssa slightly irritated.  Here she goes trying to start a conversation and he does absolutely nothing to fuel it.  He was like that for the past couple of weeks, just so quiet.

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