fourteen ➵ reach out, touch faith

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Juggling her college applications, Walkman, sketchpad, and a few extra books, Teresa ignored the chatter about the Halloween party and approached her car.

"You know someone could help you, Tess" she heard Billy's voice, and once she looked up, she saw him leaning against her car, lighting a cigarette with his familiar zippo.

"I don't have time for this, Hargrove," she said as she finally found her keys.

"Hargrove now? Have we gone back a base?" he asked, slipping his zippo into his jacket's pocket as he pushed himself away from the car to turn towards her.

"I moved across the country because of Neil's restraining order. What do you want?" she asked, stopped a few feet from him. She could hear Nancy and Steve talking behind her, wondering if they should check up on her, but they knew her well enough to let her handle it.

"So I'm not allowed back on your bases anymore?"

"Just stop with the euphemisms, Billy, I have other things to do than to listen to you try to get back in my pants," she rolled her eyes, readjusting her load and piling it in her arms.

"Try?" he asked with a sarcastic laugh. "I remember me succeeding."

"Yeah, why I said back into," she pointed out, using her now free hand to place the cigarette she'd slipped behind her ear into between her lips.

"I hear you've been busy," he said with a low, dangerous tone as he pointed to her neck. His eyes burned with a dormant rage she'd only seen when she was threatened. It wasn't a pleasant thought that it was now pointed at her. "Did you know about me coming and decide to cancel last night?"

"You wish," she replied, throwing caution to the wind and approaching her car. She unlocked the front door, throwing her books and the applications on the passenger seat.

As she straightened up, Billy reached into the pocket of her jacket, flicking up the Zippo and lighting her cigarette.

The movement was so practiced. Steve and Nancy shared a confused look as they kept watch, in case she may need help.

"We never broke up, you know," he practically seethed, but she didn't seem affected by it. Even though her unevenly bitten off nails were prodding at the flesh on her palms. "You never said you wanted to."

"I was kind of thrown into a cell before I could tell you," she bit back, Billy's fist tightening at his side as his teeth clenched. "I suppose you haven't been chasing other skirts."

"As a matter of fact, I haven't," he snapped, yanking out his cigarette and blowing the cloud of smoke in her face. Used to the intimidation attempt, she calmly blew the smoke from her cigarette aside instead, deciding to not wind him up further.

"They're not hickeys."

The boy's fist and jaw relaxed, but his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What then?"

"None of your business."

Billy's body turned, pushing Teresa against the closed door of her car. She could feel the handle digging into the bottom of her back, but she didn't show it. The two made tense eye contact, holding their cigarettes aside as Billy hit the top of her car in anger. He knew better than to unleash it on her. He knew how that ended.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Teresa saw Steve and Nancy approach, though hesitant. She lifted her hand under Billy's arm, making them stop.

"I'm fine, Harrington," she spoke, not breaking her eye contact with Billy.

"Yeah, Harrington," Billy bit out, his eyes staying on hers also. "Listen to the lady."

"Would you give me some space?" she asked, defying Billy with every word and move. "I'd rather not end up with the same predicament as the beach, yeah?"

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