Love is in the Air

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"Hey!" Charles shouted and chased Henry, grabbing his cape.

Henry turned around and ripped the cape out of Charlie's hand.

"What do you mean, this has always been in your control?"

"I mean what I say, and I say what I mean," the Toppat leader said. "Something you probably wish you could do too."

"I mean every single thing I say," he snarled. "Especially to you."

Charles had a strange feeling to himself that that wasn't remotely true.

"But you don't say what you mean," Henry said. "So, go ahead."

"You don't want me to," Charles spat.

I don't want to. I don't want to say what I mean about you.

"What if I do?" Henry smirked smugly. "Tell the truth, Charlie. What do you really think of me?"

"I think..." Charles swallowed. "I think you can rot in Hell. You can rot and let me go. I've done nothing to you or anyone else."

"Don't you get it? You're the one that made me capture you."

"And how is that, Stickmin?"

"I suggest you stop giving me that sass," Henry warned. "Else I'll give you something to cry about."

"Oh, I'm so scared!" Charlie mocked.

"Maybe you should be. I have ways of getting what I want."

And he walked away again.

Charles didn't follow immediately.

I have nothing to offer. Except...

He shook his head.

You're fantasizing. He probably just wants to annoy me. And the General. Again.

"That top hat looks stupid!" he called back. "Especially on you!"

"Same for your headphones," Henry responded.

"How dare you!" Charlie turned around, angry. "You can make fun of anything else, but nobody's allowed to talk bad about my headphones!"

"Kidding, kidding." Henry waved his hands. "They're actually pretty cute. Especially on you."

He disappeared out of a doorway, leaving Charles behind.

"Idiot." He shook his head, but he didn't know who he was calling an idiot.

Just to myself... That top hat's actually pretty sexy on him...

It wasn't too long before Charles entered the room Henry had vanished into.

It turned out to be not a room at all.

It was a balcony on the side of the airship, with clouds, wind, and the moonlight flashing by and reflecting on the metal bars.

Stars rotated slowly across Charlie's view.

Time seemed to slow, and Charles stepped forward, gripping the railings.

"Oh. I didn't know this view was so beautiful," he said aloud.

He had always had a fascination with the sky, clouds, and stars.

That's why he took up piloting.

His father had always had a plan for him, even when he was little.

Which, in fact, did include his adopted brother, as he was meant to train with him.

However, as much as they enjoyed working together, especially Charles, his brother had always been different.

Galeforce had explained many times that his brother had a traumatic experience early in his life, and that he was very reserved and would prefer isolation over company.

He formed a very close bond with his brother, however.


Charles flinched.

I messed up. And I lost everyone.

He sighed, a single tear bunching in his eye.

"Hey, are you okay?" Henry, at least, seemed to be sympathetic and generally welcoming and concerned.

"I'm fine," Charles choked, though he still tried to mask it with annoyance, making sure it was clear that he didn't require or want sympathy from the King.

"You sure?" Henry frowned and scooted over to the ex-pilot. "Because I'm told that I can see emotions pretty well."

"Get away," he snapped. "I don't want any of your sympathy."

"You really think I forgot about you, huh?" Henry chuckled. "I know what you mean."

Charles was expecting anything but what happened.

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