A Grim Embrace

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Something has disturbed the clouds and as I look up, the first droplets hit and roll down my face. I've always loved the rain. I love storms the most-- the crackle of lightening, a blinding streak shattering the sky, the roar of thunder shaking the world beneath me. Something about the fury and ferocity of a storm would always ignite a feeling of excitement in me.

It's funny. My sisters hated storms. Euryale would wail, crying in terror throughout the night. Mighty Stheno, fearless against any foe, would hide herself away at the sound of an approaching downpour. But I cherished every storm, adored every one. The crashing of the waves, the pattering of rain against the rocks, a lullaby of sound I'd wish would never end.

On nights like these, I like to walk along the beach, press my bare feet against the wet sand. Each visit reminds me of home and only continues to deepen my longing to return to it. Breathing in the cold air, looking out into the open sea... it brings tears to my eyes remembering everything I've lost. 


When I was forced to abandon my first sisterhood, I was taken in by another. After my transformation, in my bloody and broken state, I crawled on my belly toward the sea hoping to drown once more. Instead, I washed ashore on a cold and forgotten island covered in black sand.

That's when I met them. Outstretched on jagged rocks overlooking the sea, their golden eyes immediately locked onto mine. Believing me an intruder on their land, they quickly leapt from their resting spots and seized hold of me, pinning my arms to the ground.

Stheno, her hair a wild entanglement of orange snakes, had a furious gleam in her eyes as she stared at me. Her head cocked to one side, her voice thick with hatred, she demanded to know why I had disturbed them. Euryale greeted me with a giggle, nearly howling with delight as her grip on me tightened.

Angered that my attempt to end my suffering led me into their cruel hands, I screamed in frustration, begging them to tear me limb from limb. Feed on me if they must to satisfy their animalistic hunger or throw the severed parts of me back into the sea for their amusement, I didn't care. I wanted to die and if these foul beasts, with their sharp claws and dripping fangs, could grant my wish then so be it.

"Why so eager for Death?" Stheno had asked me, her face inching closer to mine.

I struggled to catch my breath, wheezing with every desperate gasp for air, hesitant to reveal my woeful story with them. Why share my pain with those that were ready to slit my throat? Would it change anything? I had already asked for mercy before and been denied twice. Why would a third time be any different?

With a defeated sigh, I told them how I came to be this tragic thing. I spared no small detail as I relived each agonizing moment that led me to this blackened shore. As I spoke, suddenly their sinister faces turned into those of remorse. Stheno's eyes roamed my face, her anger softening as she heard the sadness in my voice. A pitiful wail escaped Euryale toward the end of my tale, tears streaming down her face. They released their hold on me and instead took my hands in theirs, guiding me toward a cave where they cleaned my wounds.

From that moment on, they promised me shelter and protection, vowing no harm would befall me again. They taught me how to hunt for food, defend myself against predators. That little island became my new home and we sisters three lived in peace. Though I was the youngest among them, they called me their queen. For a while, I had surrendered to the ignorant thought, to the foolish belief, that I had left the worst behind me.

Then one night, I awoke to the cold kiss of a blade against my skin and came to know there is no true escape from the cruelty of the gods. 

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