3. Begining Bets

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 "Rose, are you done? If you want me to drive you over you got to be done in ten." My dads muffled voice ran through my door. My eyes shoot open and I look over to my clock to see the time.

Of course it was blank, I forgot to plug it back in last night. I was still taking in the conversation Matt and I had that I forgot. I rushed out of my bed and dashed to my closet pulling random clothes out. I wore a pair of blue skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I ran downstairs and sliped socks on along with my black converse. I went back upstairs and brushed my hair leaving it how it is in it's loose waves and just put a bit of masscara on. I grabed what I need for today and went downstairs calling for my dad.

"he's already outside." My mom simply said. I felt guilty for the way I treated her last night but I'm grateful that she hasn't brought up the bet. "thanks, bye mom." I said as I shut the door behind me. My dad was in the car waiting for me whe I asked, "Can I drive to school?"

"No, you don't know how to."

"You never have time to teach me" I whine.

"Then have pattience." I huff and look out the window still tiered. I slowly shut my eyes but my dad chims in, "I'm not that boring, am I?" he asks playing around. "I'm tiered." I answered. "Maybe next time you should go to sleep on time and not call your friends and tell them that you were breathing next to Matthew!" He squeled like a girl which caused me to laugh. "How did you know?" I wondered. "Parents hear everything." He said but serious this time and I gulped.

We arrived at my school and I got out of the car, "have a nice day, dad."

"You too, Rose" He said back. I shut the door and walked inside of the busy school.





School went by fast, same classes, same teachers. I didn't have much classes with my friends so I enjoyed lunch as much as I could. I walked into the crowded lunch room admiring the pink, red and white decorations. Valentines is coming soon and the school was putting a royal ball. I was never that intrested in things like this.

I spot Melanie and Jess walking to the group of teens at a table.  I don't think I have a bestfriend but Melanie and Jess were definatly my closest friends. I walk over to the table that they followed. It's less crowded than I thought, Only Leanne, Jess, Melanie and... Scarlet? I look at her weirdly. I thought she was just a random teen who crashed the party, what is she doing here?

"Leanne's mom and my mom are good friends so she invited me to the party because I'm tranfering here." Scarlet says looking at me as if she read my mind. I just nod and take a seat. I don't have a problem with Scarlet she seems nice and not a bother. I just dislike being intimidated. They talked of many things I wasn't intrested in much so I just dreamed off of all the possibilities today will go in the afternoon.

"Rose?" Jess said next to me. I look at her and she has a worried look on her face. "Are you okay?" She asked. I just noded and stood up as the bell rings."Hey, Rose" A voice shoots from beside me. I turn to find Matt and I start to freak out inside. "H-hi" I stuttered. "Did I get you introuble for walking you home?"

"Maybe just a little." I smile trying to hide my blushing cheeks. He just laughed, "Are you doing anything today after school?" He asked. I scrunched my eyes closed. "Yeah." I said sadly. "Oh, that's too bad. I was thinking maybe you could come and hangout with some of my friends at the bowling alley after school."


"Oh, yeah sorry. Maybe another time?" I ask and he nods. 'and not in the afternoon' I meantlly say to myself. "Yeah sure" He smiled going to his last class.



Before I knew it I was at my house waiting for Lily to come by so she can transform me into a dude. She soon arrived quickly handing me the rubber things that fell on me before and clothes that I thought looked rediculios. I changed quickly and Lily put my wig on and a tape on my forehead so it can blend with my skin.

"So what's your screen name?" Michael who arrived with Lily asked shoving a whole pizza slice in his mouth. "Um, I didn't come up with one yet."

"Oh!" My mother squelled. "How about Rayan Porter?" She asked and I smiled and noded in approval. She just hugged me as her and Lily danced happily.



"No, deeper." My dad said and Michael laughed. "Like this?" I said in the deepest yet natural voice I could. "Guys I'm tiered, you guys just taught me how to play stupid football and pointless video games." I threw a fit. "You got it." Michael said,

"Finally! Can I go?" I said excitedly. "Fine but don't do anything for me to regret ever agreeing to this." My dad called as I ran out the house and to the local Bowling alley.

I arrived soon since it isn't far from my home. I spoted Matt and his friends quickly and I felt my palms sweat. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this- "Hey are you Leannes cousin?" I head a voice and my head snapped up. I cleared my throat and replied, "Yeah?"

Leanne said I was her cousin? Well I guess he wouldn't hang out with strangers. I worried on how much Leanne told him about me. What if I now answer a question wrong? "Leanne said you were coming so we thought we could hang with you."  Matt guieded me to the corner where his other friends were at.

"So what's your name?" One of Matts friends asked. "Uh, Ryan" I said with no emotion. "Are you gonna bowl?" Matt asked and I just noded.

Matt walked with me to the front desk where I took my shoes off. "What size?" The guy asked. "Eight." I answered. "Bro you got small feet!" Matt laughed as the guy took my shoes and brought me new ones. "Don't  make fun of my feet" I chuckled.

"I'll try not to."


So far my team with Jeff (one of Matts friends) was losing and Matt with Cody was successfully wining. Everything was going to plan until two girls walked in. "Scarlet, Beatrice!" Matt called and I froze. Scarlet? "Hey, Jeff gotta take a piss be right back" I punched his chest and he didn't seemed harmed. "Alright dude" He punched my flat boob and I tried to keep a straight face but when I walked away I rubbed it since it hurt. I quickly hided behind a vending machine and glanced over at the group. What were they doing here?

They seem as good friends since they're having a god time. Suddenly they seem much better friends since Scarlet hugs Matt tight Kissing his lips gently. He seems suprised just as I am. I close my eyes trying to take this in. What if they are in a relationship? What if they hooked up after I left the party? Leanne obviously talks to Matt since she told him about me as her cousin what is she got them together? All of these thoughts flew in my mind but I feel a pair of hands grabing my shoulders. "Hey man, are you crying?" Matt said amused. "No, I -" I don't know what to say. "I don't want to take a dump here I'll clog the toliet" I say grabing my stomach. "I know how you feel" My chuckled slpaing me on my back. I cringe at the thought of him not wanting to take a dump. "Why don't you come meet Scarlet and Beatice?" oh no. "Is she like your girlfriend or something?" I ask looking at Scarlet.

"What? Oh, no. I don't know why she kissed me."

"I should go home to take this dump. We should hang out again sometime you seem," I try to find words. "Chill and cool" I said. "Yeah so do you. See you around Ryan" He patted me again and left me to my thoughts.

I don't know if I can do this.

Guys I have a lot of ghost readers. If you guys want fast and longer updates can you vote or comment so I feel motivated? Oh and sorry for the sucky chapter I'll make it up to you in the next one! I was really busy with school







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