[46] Launch

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"Hey sleepyhead, you hungry?" Bow asked as we both walked into Adora's tent. But upon our arrival, we discovered a very tired looking blonde on the floor instead of in her bed. 

Bow screamed in my ear, and knelt down to the girl, "What happened? Are you okay?" 

We watched as she attempted to do another push-up. Instead of continued to watch the pathetic sight, I placed the food I was holding for her on one of the tables.

"I gotta go....save Glimmer." I heard a thump, figuring that she probably fell to the floor, "My body is betraying me..."

"No, you're exhausted. That happens to regular people when they keep throwing themselves into battle and refusing to sleep." Bow spoke like he was scolding a 5 year old. 

"I hate it." 

I turned around, seeing Bow help the girl back into her bed, "Come on, you just need to rest." 

Suddenly I felt like something was off, and gave a small goodbye before walking out of the tent, palms sweating for no reason. 

On my way out, I saw Frosta, giving her a small pat on the head before walking to a different tent. 

Before I could enter however, I paused for a moment. The new medical tent wasn't much different than the old one, but every time I came to visit her, it still hurt. 

So I just stood there, counting each and every loose string of the tent, wondering who made it, and what their story was. 

"Miss Meissa is still in a comatose state, I presume," I looked behind me to see Aunt Casta with a frown on her face, "She was an excellent sorceress, I must say. Despite always feeling behind, she did wonderfully in her classes, and managed to master every spell we threw at her."  

Casta smiled to herself then looked over to me, "She would make a perfect head sorceress don't you think?" 

I nodded, looking away, "You don't have to talk about her like she's dead you know. She's still alive. And she wouldn't make a perfect Head Sorceress, but she would make the best Head Sorceress." 

Instead of trying to fight my stubborn-ness, she just sighed, "Did I ever tell you that me and your mother were friends?" 

This peaked my interest. We moved away from the tent and sat down at an empty campfire, Casta lighting it with her magic. 

"Now, we weren't as close as her and Angella, but, sometimes when everyone else was busy, we would go shopping together in Elesphia. Oh, they had amazing things back when it was- you know." I watched as she continued to rant about random things, only listening when my mothers name was mentioned. 

"-but then everything changed when Seraphina was-," My eyes widened at the mention of a different name, and I glanced over at the sorceress, seeing that she had covered her mouth with her hand. 

"I- Um, maybe I should go." And without another word, she quickly left, leaving me with my own thoughts. 

'Seraphina.... That name sounds oddly familiar...'

My eyes slowly came to shut, listening to the sound of the crackling fire.

- - - 

I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulder. 

With tired eyes, I turned to look at the person, seeing that it was a well rested Adora. 

"Look, I know you just woke up, but if we want to get to Glimmer we have to go now.

Instantly I jumped up, grabbing my fighting stick and my light sword, putting them both in their holsters. 

I glanced at the medical tent one last time before Adora grabbed my arm, pulling me to the ship. 

When we got to it, King Micah and the other princesses (Who apparently went on a mission while I was asleep) were already there. 

"We're exposed here. We need to make these goodbyes quick." Micah stated, causing me to try and think of the first person I wanted to say goodbye too. 

Quickly I gave everyone a hug, before retreating to my place beside Bow and Adora. 

With a proud mom-like smile on her face, Adora looked at all the princesses, "The rebellion is in good hands." 

Mermista (Who was still recovering from the hug Adora gave her), crossed her arms with a blush on her face, "Yeah, it turns out I'm like an awesome leader, so we're gonna be fine. And, Entrapta helped." 

The blue haired girl pulled Entrapta in for a hug, "Your still a weirdo, but you did good today. We've got your back any time." 

With tears in everyones eyes, Bow pulled us all in for a hug.

"And don't worry Y/n, we'll take care of Meissa for you." Scorpia stated matter-of-fact-ly.

"Thank you." I said, barely above a whisper. 

Suddenly Frosta pointed out some surveillance bots, and we knew it was our time to part ways. 

So we devised a quick plan to get the ship off Etheria while King Micah put up the illusion that he was She-ra, giving us enough time to take off. 

And as we blasted farther and farther away from Etheria, I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach. Not because of the terminal velocity, but because of the fact that I may never get to see Meissa again...


Yeah yeah, this chapter was super short but I've got school tomarrow and UGHHHH. 

Y'all I've got finals. That's so stupiddddd ughhhhhhhhh. I actually wanna commit scooter ankle rn. 

I have to wake up at 5:30 and I am not ready. 

Ooh, I'm also going to be trying something new. :D 

I'm gonna start asking y'all questions, so today's question is gonna be: 

'What's your favorite animal? It can be fictional or real' ---> 

And then you answer in the comments! 

I hope that it will help me get to know some of you better (Especially those who don't comment often. 




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