[ memory-4 ]

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    Prem has now stayed 1 month in the hospital to heal the rest of his injuries. They had never discussed where Prem was living because Boun just assumed he remembered.

    Despite the unspoken living situation, they were still very happy that Prem could be discharged today. When Boun went to get food for the both of them, he had only remembered then that he had no idea where he lived. He kind of had a mini freak out in his head but quickly turned settle once he figured out what he wanted to do.

    As Boun came back, Prem was already in the new clothes Boun had bought him and was ready for the plan to go into action.

    They went downstairs to the check-out desk and before Boun would help check him out, Prem asked him to go back to the room because he had supposedly left his necklace there. He also told him that he would call him if he found it so once he finished the small plan, he could come back quickly.

    Boun was now gone and now it was time. He went up to the desk lady and said, "Hello! My name is Prem, Prem Warut. I was wondering if there was a possibility if you could check where I lived?" The lady at the counter looked confused because even though this could be done, this was the first time someone had asked her.

    Prem decided that he needed to explain the situation to her in order for her to become less suspicious. "I just lost my memory from a car accident and that's why I don't remember where I lived."

    She asked for his name again and he said it once more. She eased up once she had saw that a head injury and severe memory loss were both documented. She wrote down his address on a piece of paper and slid it across the desk to Prem. He quickly thanked her and called Boun to come back.

    Once Boun had arrived back and checked out, they went to his car where he asked what his address was. Prem handed him the piece of paper with his address on it. Boun looked at him and said, "Wait, you remember your address?" Prem went into a panic and just said what came to mind, "I found it in my head. I-I mean my bed.

Head? Bed? What the hell were you thinking? That doesn't sound believable at all!! Why are you so dumb?! Why are you even lying in the first place?

"Um Prem, you good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You just looked like you were panicking a bit there. Just wanted make sure. But if you're ok, then let's go."

"Ok, we can go now."

    Prem was just so embarrassed that he couldn't even speak to him the whole car ride. To break the silence, Boun asked, "What can you remember?" Prem didn't answer right away. He didn't know whether he wasn't talking because he was embarrassed or  he just doesn't remember anything. Once he gathered his thoughts, he could finally answer.   

    "Well, as you know I don't remember much. I think all I can recall as if now is you, that I live alone, and of course things every person my age knows how to do." Boun sighed. He didn't know to be happy or sad.

Would he be ok living alone. What if he doesn't remember where things are and gets lost outside. It's already bad enough that he got hit by a car and the last thing we need is another incident. I have an idea.

    Boun stopped the car and looked over to Prem. "Come live with me," Boun said. As he gasped, Prem whipped his head around to look at him. "W-What?" Boun nonchalantly repeated what he said making Prem nervous.

"W-Why? Aren't we going to my place?"

"Well think about it. You have lost a big part of your memory, if anything it would be a terrible idea for you to live alone."

"Ok maybe you're right but why do I have to live with you?"

"Because I still live with my parents so they could help you out a lot as well. Plus, my mom is a nurse, so she knows how to help."


"We're going to your place to pack, then to mine."

    Prem gave in and agreed. They arrived to his apartment and they were greeted by a few people. Prem always got a little scared because he thought these people acted like they knew him  better then he did. Which was actually true, but it didn't seem that way because he didn't remember. Therefore, Boun had to constantly tell them that in the car crash, he had lost his memory.

    They finally get into his apartment and Boun looks around surprised by how empty it was, so he asked. "Why is it so empty in here?" Prem shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't remember, maybe I just didn't own a lot of things." 

    They both looked around to se which room looked like Prem's until they found it. Boun looked in his closet only to find enough clothes that would fit in one small suitcase. "Maybe I was poor." Boun smiled at him, then walked over and gave him a hug. "We'll go shopping tomorrow then, ok?" He let him go to shake his head yes and they continued to pack.

    Since he didn't have many clothes or belongings, it only took them about 30 minutes to pack up all the stuff he needed. Then they set off for Boun's house.

    Right when they were about to walk in, Prem grabbed his arm looking down. "Are sure about this? I mean you're parents don't even know." Boun turned around and held him by the shoulders and said, "I promise it'll be ok. As long as I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you." 

    They smiled at each other in comfort and walked into the house.


Thank you for reading. I'm so sorry I have not been able to post. I have just been so busy that I forgot all about this. Please comment and vote and I will see you in the next chapter.

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