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    We returned from the store with more that we needed. We got more foods and snacks along with some pain meds as well. Prem said he had some headaches so it only made sense. "Are you hungry? I'm going to make noodles and I don't want you to steal mine," Prem said to Boun across the room. He answered no back so Prem started to make it for himself.

    He cooked the noodles, cut up the fresh vegetables and meat. The pan sizzled with the amazing smell of the meats' fat. The broth boiled as the noodles softened inside. The noodles and soup are then poured into a bowl topped off with green onion, carrots, mushrooms, and meat.

    "This looks so goood!" Prem picked up his chopsticks and was about to take a bite until he looked at Boun. He creeped to the table and sat across from Prem.

"That looks pretty good..... can I have some?"

"OYYY! What the hell! You said you didn't want any."

"I know, but I want some now."

"No way! I spent my time making this food. FOR ME!"

"Ugggaahhh! Please, PLEASE! I won't bother you anymore."

*sigh*"Fine, as long as you shut up."

"I will I will. Pinky promise!"

    Boun grabbed his pink to promise to then get a second pair of chopsticks from the kitchen. He started to eat from Prem's bowl excited. Prem laughed.

He's so cute when he acts like this. Did he always look this good. OY! What's wrong with me? Snap out of it.

    "Ohh, I'm so full. Why did you make such a big bowl for yourself?" Prem got up to the kitchen to wash the dishes that Boun left. Boun continued to try and get his attention to answer the question. He didn't budge. He finished up and headed to bed. 

    "Hey! Why are you laying here. I wanted to watch a movie together." Boun said. Prem looked at his and sat back up. "I'm too tired to argue you down." Boun questioned why that was relevant until he understood what he was saying. "So we can watch it?!" Prem nodded and got dragged to the living room couch.

    "I wanted to watch this movie called Wish You, can we watch it?" "Watch whatever you want," Prem reluctantly said carelessly.

    Boun sighed and adjusted to face towards Prem. "I like you." If Prem wasn't awake then, he was now. He looked at him with wide eyes of disbelief.

    "What did you say?" Prem asked not believing it at all. "I like you...is that ok?" Prem then adjusted himself towards Boun looking down. "It's not that I don't like you, it's just that I need to be sure. I don't want to throw myself into something I'm not sure of." There was silence between the two for Boun to break. "It's ok if you don't like me. Don't sugar coat it to to have me waiting with hope."

    "I'm serious. The last time I threw myself into a relationship without knowing how my heart felt, within 2 months I was sobbing at a bar. So, You just have to give me time ok." Boun slowly nodded and faced towards the TV again to turn on the movie. 

    Once the movie started, Prem lied on Boun's leg. "W-what are you doing?" Boun asked very confused. "Just let me lay here. The couch isn't big enough to lay down normally. So, let me be comfortable." Boun left it alone and they continued to watch the movie.

    30 minutes later they had both ended up falling asleep until the movie ended so the TV turned off itself. Then, Boun's parents came home.

    They looked at them is disbelief of what they were seeing. I big jumble of thoughts came into their heads about all these weird possibilities. So instead of thinking quietly, they decided to react out loud. "WHAT THE HELL!" Sammy yelled. Boun and Prem woke up and once they realized who was standing there, they panicked. 

"Mom, Dad, it's not what it looks like! We didn't do anything-"

"Then what where you doing huh? Your father and I came home early because we worried you were sick! Not to see you sleeping with a boy."

"We were just watching a movie Ms.-"


    Boun stepped in front of him protecting him from his mothers hit. He was slapped across the face.

"Don't yell at him. He's innocent here."

"Are you gay?" (Bright aka Dad)

"Look, even if I'm gay, he has NOTHING to do with it."

"Get out..."



    Boun gripped Prem's wrist tightly. He went to his room, packed up his and Prem's stuff and they were out the door. His parents were left to cry and anger themselves in the house.

    They dragged their suit cases into his car and drove off into the night.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while. Disclaimer, I have nothing against Sammy and Bright I just wanted to put people there that you guys already knew to imagine the story better. I would have put Yacht but the was before everyone started talking about the Sammy and Yacht ship so sorry. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please remember to vote, comment, and follow for more. Byeeee!

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