Flashback VI: Burned II

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After your training incident with Touya, Mrs.Yamamoto brought you straight to the infirmary. Sure enough, her suspicions about your arm being broken were correct. Within the hour, they had you fitted with a cast that covered everything from your wrist to your elbow and a sling to keep you from moving it around too much. You weren't so concerned with your injury, though. Sure, it hurt like hell, but your mind was preoccupied the whole time. Although you'd tried numerous times to ask about your fiery friend, no one would tell you anything. You were sure he'd need medical attention for his own burns, but you hadn't seen him in the infirmary, either. You were worried about him

It was dark by the time you left the infirmary. Mrs.Yamamoto escorted you back to your room. Though you were kind of bummed about missing dinner, it wasn't your main concern. Once your overseer had retired for the night, you headed up to your usual nighttime rendezvous, once again stealing the light of your lamp to bring with you. You held it with your good arm, but the strain of carrying around electromagnetic energy made your broken arm throb violently. You managed to make it up to the forbidden room and released your light as soon as you could see the entrance. The faint sound of a crinkling snack bag let you know that one of your friends had already arrived. Given what had happened today, it was probably Keigo. You clumsily made your way up the stack of desks leading into the destroyed classroom. With your arm in the shape that was, you didn't want to risk missing the entrance by using your quirk to fly up. You popped your head into the room and scanned the area briefly. Sure enough, sitting at a discarded desk snacking on a bag of fruity whatevers was your feathery friend. He had his backpack beside him today- likely because he'd stolen more food from the cafeteria. He turned his head toward you as you stepped into the room.

"Hey, Crash! I got something... what... happened to your arm?" His excited tone died suddenly when he noticed your cast and sling.

"Hey, Kei." You said, still searching the area. "Is Touya here?"

A look of concern fixed itself onto Keigo's face. "Uh, no... why? Wait, no- what happened? Did'ja fly into something?" He forced himself to stay on topic.

"No... ah, well..."

You told Keigo about what had happened during your training session with Touya- about how you'd tried to tell him who you were, how you felt bad for throwing a door at him, and how you'd wound up with your injuries. Keigo didn't interrupt or even speak the whole time. Instead, he stayed silent with a face like stone as he stared at all of the bandages that covered you. It wasn't uncommon for any of you to get hurt; this was an intensive hero training course, after all. The dressings on your burns likely didn't raise any alarms in Keigo's mind at first- you'd all seen each other in bandages at one point or another. A broken bone, however, was a different story. Generally, the overseers would make sure to cease any practice drills before the kids were seriously injured. Especially if that injury would inhibit their physical training.

"That looks bad..." Keigo noted as the two of you sat amongst some rubble. "How long do you have to keep this thing on for?" He questioned, eyeing your cast.

"The doctor said I should be good to go in about eight weeks, but I'm not allowed to do any quirk training in the meantime, and I have to take it easy during exercises." You told him dejectedly. It was so frustrating. Here you were, so excited to finally have your training regime intensified, only to go and put yourself out of commission for two months. It may have been ironic, but to you, the hindrance to your training bothered you a hell of a lot more than your broken limb. You were fully aware that you'd hurt Touya as well, but you still didn't know to what extent. Knowing Touya, he'd be devastated if they made him sit out of quirk training for any length of time. With the way his overseer dragged him off like that, you were sure he was receiving the reprimand of a lifetime.

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