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Sua finished having coffee outside so she went back to the building to finish her remaining paperworks. She sigh when she saw her boss slash friend, Dami.

"where have you been?" Dami asked, she's currently waiting on Sua's work space, Sua sigh and sat on her chair.

"had some coffee and fresh air outside, why?" Sua asked back, Dami let out a sigh and removed her specs.

"you need to submit your paperwork today, same with Yoohyeon and Handong. The meeting will begin tomorrow at 3:00 pm sharp, please finish it today only. I'll be waiting on the office" Dami said, Sua stretched her arms and nodded.

"then i will finish it while i can today, please stop staring at me Dami, it's a bit awkward" Sua said with a chuckle without taking her eyes on the laptop screen, Dami chuckled then walked away to finish signing the paper works.

Sua continued her unfinished work, she compiled the files for her to print later. She motivation for her to pursue her work is Dami, she can't let her friend slash boss be disappointed at her. Dami, Yoohyeon, Handong and Sua has been friends since the first year of their collage years. They know how much Sua suffered alone because of one person, they can't blame Sua for loving her too much. Siyeon has been good to them too but they can't even understand why everything went in that way. In the way where one of them messed their so called "ideal relationship".

It was already 12 midnight yet Sua is still at the office to finish her work, she can take a day off tomorrow to rest. Yoohyeon yelled in happiness because finally, she and Handong can go home.

"take care on your way home Sua" Handong said with a smile, Sua let out a smile but she smiled after to her friends. Yoohyeon looked like she really wanted to go to bed already, her eyes are slowly closing while she's standing beside Handong.

"Yoohyeon-ah, let's go home" Handong said and dragged Yoohyeon out of the office, leaving Sua alone on the space.It was so quiet, everything was in peace.

Sua stood up and decided to go on the office's kitchen to make some coffee for herself before she print some stuffs, as she waits, she decided to turn on the radio and as she expected, her voice is the first thing she'll ever hear.

[Dean- Instagram, VERSE 2. ENG lyrics]

"It’s complicated Changing it up so often
I don’t wanna do this This damn information age There is definitely a problem These days, knowing more Makes you more miserable~" she heard her singing one of the songs that once brought Sua to sleep every single night they're together. Sua smiled bitterly as flashbacks went back on her head, it hurts her because she knows that those precious moments is impossible to happen anymore.

"As time goes by It gets harder
Am I the only one?~" Sua continued to make herself some coffee with the bitter sweet memories of her and the girl she used to love in the past. And that girl is no other than, Lee Siyeon.

"Don’t wanna go clubbing Don’t wanna watch a movie What else is there to do?
I just end up in my neighborhood~" Sua finish to make some coffee so she went back on her work space, she sat on her chair and take a sip on her hot coffee.

"There’s a hole in my heart Nothing can fill it up, yeah I’m sinking right now
Inside a square ocean~" Sua is curious, she's curious about the things that Siyeon said behind her back to other people when they separated their own ways.

"It’s a problem In the whole world
It’s the same love song But it doesn’t touch me In my night There are
too many thoughts~" Sua printed the documents that are needed for tomorrow's meeting, the radio is still pkaying and she's still hearing her sing again throughtout the years that had passed.

"Doodoo doo doo doodoo doo doo
Doodoo doo doo doodoo doo doo
All night Just wasting time like this
Inside Instagram~" While doing work, a question went inside her head. What if her path and Siyeon's crossed again? what will she react once she saw her face after the long years of not be able to see each other in person? she's curious, but she hopes, it won't happen.

falling back for ex • suayeonWhere stories live. Discover now