Chapter 4

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*Shows Major Monogram with Cindy*

Major Monogram: I'm standing here with Cindy, an animated member of our studio audience.

Irving: *pushes Cindy aside* Hira Reland rocks! Wooooo!

Cindy (Offscreen): *yells* Hey!

Major Monogram: Okay then, let's throw it over to my partner in crime. Not that I would perpetrate a crime with him of course, I'd never... *at Carl* Carl! Who wrote these cue cards?

Carl: *holding a cue card* Agent M, sir.

*Camera pans to Agent M, a monkey, who's typing on a typewriter*

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: What's that all about? He's using a typewriter. When was the last time you saw someone using a typewriter? What is this, 1987?

Major Monogram: Well...

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: You realize that most of the kids reading this book have never even seen a typewriter, right?

Hina: *wearing a green dress* People don't use typewriters anymore.

Major Monogram: We're on a budget.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: So you went to an antique store...

Major Monogram: Moving on. Number 11. roll tape!

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Oh, so you got tape, you're not just using film, or-or hand shadows...

Hina: I changed from my blue shirt, pink skirt, orange socks and purple shoes to a green dress, white socks and black shoes.

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