The Rebellion Begins

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Aria's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Come on Aria, use Flamethrower!" My trainer called to me. I opened my jaws and let out a powerful stream of fire, right at the Treecko that stood across from me.
"Leafy, jump then use Razor Leaf!" Yelled Cole, the Treecko's trainer. Before my fire was able to hit Leafy, he jumped. I growled in frustration. Then sharp, glowing leaves appeared around Leafy. The leaves shot straight at me. My eyes widened in fear, as they sliced across me. Luckily, it was a grass type move, so it wasn't very effective. I turned my gaze to my trainer, Lumeo, waiting for her to give the next command.
"Ok Aria use scratch!" My claws began to glow, and grew to twice the size. Before Leafy could react, I raked my claws across his chest. Leafy fell backwards from the blow.
"Leafy, come on get up!" Called Cole.
"Finish him with Ember!" Yelled Lumeo in excitement. I opened my jaws and a single burst of fire came out, flying towards Leafy. I could see the look of horror on his face, as it hit him. The force of the Ember knocked the poor Treecko into a tree. I could see that Leafy's eyes had turned all swirly. He had fainted.
"Oh no, Leafy return." Said Cole, pulling a red and white ball out of his pocket. He pressed the button on the front and a stream of red light came out, and pulled Leafy back into his Pokeball.
Then, Cole reached back into his pocket, pulling out another ball. He held it out and clicked the button.
"Go, Swift!" A Taillow popped out of the Pokeball, and flew into the sky.
"TAILLOW!!!" It shrieked.
"Swift, use Wing Attack!" Swift's wings glowed with a blueish color, and he dove down...right in my direction.
"Aria, use Bite!" I heard Lumeo call. But it was to late. Swift was upon me. The full force of his wing banged into me. I flew backwards into the ground. Then, everything went dark.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Swift's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ugh. That was awful. I always hated battling my friends, but I was always forced into it. I gave Aria's fainted body a sad look, but then Lumeo put her back in her Pokeball. Next Lumeo sent out Chase, her Growlithe.
"Chase, let's start with a Flamethrower!" Chase looked up at me, and let a stream of golden-red fire out of his mouth. I narrowly dodged, as I felt it singe my underbelly feathers.
"Swift, use Peck!" With a sigh, I made my beak glow, and I slammed down into Chase. He fell to the ground, but quickly leaped up a second later.
"Chase use Flame Burst!"
"Swift counterattack with-"
Before my trainer could finish his sentence, Cole's brother called out.
"Come on guys! Lunch Time!" Zane called. I sighed with relief. I wouldn't have to finish Chase. I flew down beside him and tucked my wings in.
"Nice battle." I said to him. Chase nodded.
"Yea. But your lucky Zane rescued you." I gave him a confused look. Seeing my look Chase explained.
"I was totally about to destroy you with that Flame Burst!" I sighed. Chase being usual.
"Sure you were." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Chase just gave me a growl. We followed closely behind our trainers. As we entered the house, I observed the five plates of human food on the table, then I looked down at the bowls of brown pellets, Pokechow, it was called. That's what us Pokemon had to eat. The humans food looked so delecious, and we were stuck with this...this food that looked like Pokepoop. Seriously.
I glanced over at Chase and seen him give a look of distaste at the food.
"Go heal your fainted Pokemon up, before you start eating." Said Zane to Lumeo and Cole. Our trainers quickly ran up the stairs of the house, and I could hear them using the healing machine.
"I really don't want to eat this." Growled Chase, pushing his bowl of Pokechow away from him.
"I know what you mean."
"Typhoon, Thunder go!" Said Zane, holding up two Pokeballs. His Mudkip and Pichu popped out, landing next to Chase and I.
"Hey guys!" Squeaked Thunder happily. The Pichu went up to his bowl and began eating his food.
"You'd think he had not eaten in days." Sighed Typhoon sitting next to Chase. I laughed at this. Suddenly, Cole and Lumeo came rushing down the stairs, holding Leafy and Aria. I could see they both had their CommuniCollars on. CommuniCollars were collars that allowed Pokemon to speak English. Aria had a pink one and Leafy had a black one.
"Hey guys!" Said Leafy in excitement, practically bouncing out of his trainers arms.
"We got collars for you now!" He sqeaked happily. Only Leafy, Aria, and Typhoon had collars before. Now I was the one bursting with excitement.
"REALLY?!" I squawked. Aria nodded.
Lumeo set Aria down, and pulled out a box from her pocket. She beckoned for Chase to come over to her. She pulled a blue collar out and fastened it around his neck.
"Wow! Thanks so much!" Yelled Chase.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Half an hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~
All of the Pokemon sat on the couch happily with their CommuniCollars on. I had a red one, Typhoon with a new purple one, and Thunder with a green one. Our trainers were watching something on T.V. called "The News" and us Pokemon were chattering away.
"These collars are so cool!" Sqeaked Thunder.
"I know right!" I squawked. We chattered on for a couple more minutes, then something on "The News" caught my attention. The man on the news said:
"Breaking News! In Pallet Town of the Kanto Region, a Pokemon uprising of sorts broke out."
"Hey guys, watch the T.V. Look what's going on!" All the Pokemon turned to the T.V.
"A team of about fifty Pokemon, attacked trainers around town, saying that they did not want to be "enslaved" by their trainers anymore. The Pokemon were contained and brought back to their trainers. We advise you keep a close eye on your Pokemon for a little bit."
I could see our trainers glance at us out of the corner of my eye.
"You guys aren't plotting an uprising are you?" Lumeo joked.
"Haha of course not!" Laughed Typhoon.
"We will always be loyal to you guys!" Barked Chase.
I nodded, but for some reason I felt a twinge of uncertainty.

The Pokemon Rebellion (on hold until whenever I get back to it)Where stories live. Discover now