An Epic Tournament

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Typhoon's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I stared at my opponent across from me. Leafy stood in his battle stance a couple yards away. I knew that I just had to beat him. To win this tournament. Then Lumeo announced the beginning.
"Let the battle commence!" She called.
"Typhoon use Water Gun!"
"Leafy use Leaf Blade."
I opened my mouth and let out a stream of powerful water. It hit Leafy but he just kept running forward. His right arm glowed and turned into a long leafy sword. I knew I was so fainted. Leafy had a type advantage AND was in his second stage. It just wasn't fair. I tried to jump as Leafy swung at me, but he slammed me into the ground. I somehow managed to stand back up. I looked up to see Leafy grinning down on me. Not a nice grin. A 'you-are-so-dead' grin.
"Finish him!" Called Cole.
Leafy prepared another Leaf Blade but just as he was about to hit me, I rolled out of the way. The blade just went into the ground, digging deep. I thwacked Leafy with a Tail Whip, and he fell forward from the force of the blow. But he just stood back up and whipped around, wrenching his arm out of the ground.
He began to form sharp glowing leaves around him, readying a Razor Leaf. I didn't let him finish. I charged right into his leg with a Headbutt. At that point he was mad. He sliced his claws at me with a Scratch, that threw me backward. I yelped as I bounced across the ground. I felt the familiar pain of...fainting. Then everything went black.
~~~~~~~~~~~Thunder's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~
I was so excited! I would be fighting a second stage Pokemon! I had never done that before! I ran out from my trainers side, just as he returned a fainted Typhoon.
"Ok Thunder start it with Electro Ball!" I leaped in the air and began spinning, and I formed a ball of electricity on my tail. Just as I was about to send it flying, I heard Cole tell Leafy to use Razor Leaf. I panicked and spun out of control, and crashed into the ground. Luckily the Electro Ball went flying right into Leafy. It exploded, and I could see Leafy had become paralyzed. As he tried to move, Zane called out my next attack.
"Iron Tail!" My tail began to harden and turned to a grey metallic color. I slammed it into Leafy, and he went flying. He banged into a tree and his eyes became all swirly. I had fainted him! I yelped in delight. Cole groaned and returned Leafy.
"Good job." He whispered to the Pokeball. Then he sent out Striker. The Blitzle was his newest teammate so I didn't know what to expect from him.
"Striker use Quick Attack!"
"Thunder use Quick Attack too!"
The both of us charged up power, then we raced at each other. But at the last second I crouched under his legs and he sped past me, slamming full force right into a tree. I smirked, then turned around and used Iron Tail on his legs. He collapsed to the ground. His eyes swirled. I had won. I cheered.
"Amazing job, Thunder!" Yelled Zane, grabbing me and putting me on his shoulder.
"Team Zane: 1 point. Team Cole: 0 points." Called out Lumeo.
Cole sighed. "Let's just finish this quickly. Zane you go against Lumeo. If she wins she and I will fight but if you win your the ultimate victor."
Zane nodded. He put me back in my Pokeball.
~~~~~~~~~Five minutes later~~~~~~~~Typhoon's Point of View~~~~~~~~
I was all healed and ready for the next battle. I was so proud of Thunder for winning the previous battle.
I stood across from Aria, Lumeo's Charmander.
"Let the battle commence!" Called out Cole.
"Typhoon, use Water Gun!"
"Aria use Scratch!"
I let a burst of water out of my mouth, slamming into Aria. She slowly stood up, and ran at me preparing a Scratch. I quickly let water burst out around me, using Water Pulse, immediately fainting Aria as it hit her.
Then Zane called out.
"Good job, Typhoon but I think Thunder can take care of the rest of this."
And I was put in my Pokeball.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thunder's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I blinked as I was surrounded by bright light. I was back on the battle field. Across from me stood the newest addition to Lumeo's team: Shade the Eevee.
"Thunder, use Iron Tail!"
"Shade, use Bite!"
I gave my metal tail a huge swing, and it connected with Shade's glowing jaws. Shade bit down on my tail, but was quickly thrown off.
"Shade use Swift!"
"Thunder use Thunderbolt!" I charged up a huge amount of lightning and across from me I could see stars forming around Shade. But before she could attack, I zapped her with the most powerful a Thunderbolt I had ever done. As the bright light faded, I could see that Shade had fainted. I smiled. I was about to turn around to face my trainer but then I felt shocks of lightning shooting through my body. I glowed with a bright light. I knew what was happening. I had witnessed it this morning. Evolution. As I turned into a Pikachu, I faced my trainer. And as the light faded my trainer held me up.
"We won Thunder!" He yelled happily. "We won! I did it!"
Whoa! Hold the Pokepuffs. Did he just say that HE did it. Um no. Give me more credit please. At that point I randomly remembered the uprising in Pallet Town. Those Pokemon left there trainers because they were escaping being "slaves."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hey guys! Lumeo here. Sorry if this chapter bored you. I need to know if you like these battles or not. I feel like there are to many battles in this book so please tell me whether you like them or not. PLEASE BE HONEST 'cuz it won't hurt my feelings if you don't like them. I think they are slightly annoying. Ok bye!
And remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee

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