Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Do you actually expect us to attend?" Oh goddess, here we go again. "No, I didn't expect you to suddenly start doing your job as parents. You know it wasn't even my idea to invite you, you can thank Wae for the update on your disgrace!" Well, that ended that conversation.

"Loo?" It's Keith, my best friend and second in command, at my office door.

"What's up Keith?"

"Well, I know you are busy, running your company and fighting your parents but, do you think you are free long enough to eat lunch with your best friends and the beautiful woman sitting on the reception desk out here?" He jerks his head toward my secretary's desk, but Joey is a man. Who is he talking about? As I walk around my desk and toward the door, I get a view of my fiancé, in a deep grey pencil skirt and matching silk blouse, sitting on Joey's desk laughing. I stop next to Keith and stare at her. Damn. That's my baby!

"Hey, Wae!" Keith calls from next to me. Her pretty eyes, still alight with humor, look from Joey to us. "Yeah, I asked, no answer. She's just been sitting here staring at you- OW" Lite shoulder smack.

The giggles ringing through the office at my slight abuse of my best friend put me into action. In three long strides, I was in front of her, helping her from Joey's desk.

"Joey? Will you switch our phone messages to lunch, and join us?"

"Yes, boss." I roll my eyes at him, he knows he can call me Loo, he just likes to annoy me.

Hand in hand I walk my woman into my office to the couches and coffee table, that is only in use when I hang out with my friends and woman. "Baby?"

"Yes, princess.... Keith shut up." Keith is making gagging noises from the other sofa, making Wae giggle.

"Did you make the call?" "Yes" "I'll cross them off the list."

"Woah" Keith is staring at us with a smile, "She knows you so well. All you said was 'yes' and she knew."

"Keith stop being an idiot, you've watched us for the last three years. Also, where is your partner?" Keith's eyes widen and he falls sideways onto his back on the sofa. "OH, MY LOVE! WHERE HAVE YOU GONE? COME BACK TO ME!"

"Loo was that necessary? Now you've got him started." Joey asks, coming in with our food. "I'm right here you big baby, do you want your Chinese or not?"

"Wooooooow, have I ever told you how beautiful you are, oh and you to baby." Wae and I are in fits of laughter as we watch Joey realize Keith was talking to the food. "Oh, well I guess you will be sleeping with the leftovers on the sofa tonight." "No! Baby please, I love you more than food!"

Wae stands to take some of the food from Joey and help him set it up. "Joey? You can always spend the night in our spare room if he gets too out of hand." Wae says this knowing it will get Keith all worked up again, and it does.

"Okay, okay, let's eat." I didn't expect Wae to giggle at my words or Joey to suddenly laugh too, after a second of looking at her confused.

"Why are they laughing?"

"No idea."

"Bottoms," Keith says shaking his head.

"Excuse you? I know you of all people, Kenneth Lee Jones, did not just call someone else a bottom." Keith isn't a bottom, Joey has even told me so, but he knows his husband's reaction will be comical. It was.

"No, no, no, no. We all know I'm a top."

"I don't know Keith, with what Joey tells me about how clingy you get, I don't think I can believe in good conscience that you could top anyone."

"Oh! I'm clingy, but you practically have Wae in your lap."

"Hey! Don't bring me into this. I am a bottom, and I will climb into my woman's lap and eat sushi if I want." She finishes with a little pout. "That's right baby," I whisper in her ear and she grins. Looking to find Joey eating and Keith trying to get his attention.

"Hey? Do you all have anything else important to do for the rest of the day?"

"No, it's the last day of the week. Everything is already done. Why?"

"Because I wanted to stay here and bother you all, it's boring alone at home."

"Oh that's right Wae, how's the adjustment of not working going?" Wae looks at Joey.

"Absolutely horrible, can't clean, we have a maid. Can't cook, we have a cook for the three main meals. Don't want to go out alone, with my camera, makes me look like a creep, instead of a photographer."

"Why don't you come to work here?" My head whips from Wae to Joey and back. Why didn't I think of that?

"I don't want to invade Loo's space. She already sees me at home every day. I couldn't do that to her."

"No, baby, I would love that. It's hard enough as is to be away from you. This way I can be with you all day here and at home."

"Oh but I'm the bottom."

"Shut it!" "Ow"

"Guys? Really ?" I shake my head. "So baby?"

"Don't you already have a photographer?"

"No, we don't!" Joey cuts in. "What?" Why don't I know this?

"It's Amanda's last day remember?"

"Oh shit, yeah! See baby, perfect timing."

"Okay, I guess I could start here."

"Yes!" Hell yeah, my baby all day! We continue to eat and laugh. We don't leave my office after lunch, however. There really isn't anything to do. Wae and I lay together on one sofa and across from us Keith and Joey are doing the same. Wae is on my chest, playing with my braid. It's really just too long to leave, lose at work. I would cut it but I think Wae would cry if I did.

"Baby? How would you feel if I cut my hair?" She sits up immediately.

"How short?"

"You know the cuts that are short and faded on the side, with slightly longer hair on top? Here, I'll show you a photo."

"I think you could pull it off."

"Oh please." Keith's voice comes from the other sofa. "She's a hot, Asian, lesbian, she could pull anything off." We all laugh, but he has a point.

"So do I have your permission?"

"You didn't need my permission, but yes." She gives me a little kiss.

"Well." Joey blurts out "Let's go, I need to get my red touched up anyway." We all look at each other and get up wordlessly.

"Let's go then."


Chapter 5 <3 <3 <3

Loo's Hair Up At The Top!

Remember to leave a comment or suggestion. ~ Jenny12A

Word Count: 1162

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