It's a wrap (part one).

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Josephine's pov

Today we shot the last scene of the last After movie. It's bittersweet really. It has been such a journey, all these years. I know we will have two more promo tours, but I won't see Hero or others involved in to promo touring for at least half a year or even more.

All this public attention has fucked up my mental health a little, but it's nothing about the fans, it's more about that I haven't gotten used to big crowds and all the fan edits. I hate that I crawl into myself when I feel anxious or cringe when I see myself having too much fun on the interviews. Like I love and hate it at the same time, that I can't really understand it myself. But I love that Hero notices when I feel stressed or anxious and he tries to help me to get out of those situations. At first he just noticed those moments, but as we grew closer, we have been talking about this, and he has always been supportive.

God I'll miss him.

I love everything about him, only that he's too much of a gentleman, that he didn't try harder after we decided to split up. It was after the first movie's promo tour. We had spent so much time together during the promo touring, that, between it and the shooting of the After We Collided, we spent a lot of time together. I had many projects in LA, so I decided to buy an apartment there. Hero had some projects also in LA and at that time we were like besties, so when he told me that he's coming to LA we decided that he should move in, in an apartment in the same building as mine, just under my apartment. We used to catch up almost every day, we went to each other's apartments, watched movies, ate together, played games. We had so much fun together. Neither him nor I had a significant other, only some silly dates that we gave each other advices for and later laughed off. Then one night we got really, really drunk and we..well we slept together. It would've been nothing, if we wouldn't have tried to explain it to each other and ourselves. It got really messy, so we decided that we shouldn't spend that much time together, after all we had to shoot three more movies together. He flew back to London after his LA projects and we only reached out to each other about the movie stuff.

Ever since we've still got that close bond, but as I said, he's too much of a gentleman. We've never lost that connection between us, but we've become more distant. He once broke down when we were in the middle of filming After We Collided, it was when Diesel passed away. He texted me and when I came to his room, he was crawled up like a small ball in the corner of his room, sobbing. That sight of him broke my heart, I went to my knees and held him in my arms, being the anchor that he needed. We didn't say a word, but it wasn't needed. I helped him get cleaned up, and I ended up staying the whole night with him. The next morning we got ready, and before leaving his room, he hugged me and said: "Thank you, Jo. Thank you for coming. And thank you for staying. And know that I am so sorry about what happened last year. I really am." My heart did a 360. But I just hugged him back and said: "It wasn't your fault. I am so sorry, too. Just know that you can always count on me, no matter what."

So yeah, with all the cast always changing, we have been there for each other. And today it makes me sad, so fucking sad. I feel that deep, deep sadnes within me. I can't believe that it's basically over and I am so sad that I have let Hero crawl into my heart so deep. I, again, realize, that we only appreciate the good things, when they're over. I shouldn't, but I want the clarity from him. Is he okay with this? Is he not feeling what I feel? Am I too pathetic to even think, that we have too strong of a bond, to just leave like this? Ugh, and what makes me the most angry is that, I can't demand those answers from him.

And the official wrap video just confused me even more. I wasn't really into my fun character, so again, Hero felt it and did the talking. I knew that, if I had even opened my mouth, I would've started crying. And the hug... Like of course we used to hug all the time, but it was so unexpected. I felt that we should've stayed in that moment forever. Not only me, but also him. Never mind, I know that the afternators will be going crazy anyways.

(Back in reality.)

I am just doing some touch ups for my makeup for the wrap up party, when someone knocks on my door. I know who it is though.

"Hey, you ready? They texted in the group chat, that they are starting already." Hero says.

"I need just 5 more minutes and I will be ready. Come in, you can wait here," I reply. I love how we are so comfortable with each other.

Hero's pov

I come in and sit on the edge of the bed. It's strange thinking that this is the last time being here during the filming process of my first big movie series and with her. Ugh, I will miss her so much...

"Hello! Earth to Hero. Are you even listening?" Jo yells from the bathroom laughing.
"Yeah, yeah I am sorry. What were you saying?"
"Should I change into the red dress on the hanger there, or stay in this outfit?" she asks me.

She's wearing a simple, but neat turtleneck, dark-gray ripped jeans and white airforces. The red dress sure would look hella sexy on her, but I like this outfit.
"Nah. Stay in that outfit. I know you feel more comfortable in jeans and either way, you look very pretty." I reply. It's true tho.
"Aww, thanks! Then I won't change. If mr. Hero-the-handsome-model-and-style-icon says so, then there's no doubt." She says coming out of the bathroom full on grinning at me. Aghh, that pretty simile of hers... "snap out of it Hero!" I note myself.
"Okay, I am ready. Let's go!" says Jo.

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