Maverine on Grady Alderman

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Grady Alderman, who is from Detroit, likes to take more time with his buddies, even Fran Tarkenton and Mick Tingelhoff.

One time in 1971, I used to babysit his children Rob and Christy, and Ed Sharockman's sons (I'll tell about them later). Grady gave me twenty for making my own royalties before playing the game.

One time, Rob usually swings with Mark, and Brett and Christy were playing the same time.

While I was on vacation in Denver, Colorado in 1982 with Grady and his wife Nancy. Although Rob and Christy had grown up and got married. We were out there snow skiing and got a huge slops. Although Grady was very kind to me.

[Me (in center), Rob (l) and Christy (r) in 1972]

[Me (in center), Grady (l) and Nancy (r) in 1982] (Update: Grady died in April 2018, and I eulogies for him at his funeral, not Fran Tarkenton, who is not in attendance.)

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