You Call Your Car "Baby"

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            * So... My first High School AU... Contains Destiel, but is also about Dean making friends and stuff… I wanted to make a cover with them all, but I couldn’t find any High School fanart that was not about Destiel, so I picked one ;) Also, English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes *

            It was a great day for the two Winchester brothers. Or is should be. They first day in the new school where would stay the whole year. They father was in a big search for some vampire nest and let them to live with Bobby for a while. In a need of a bigger car, let the Impala with Dean, who was more than happy about it. Yet, the first day of school knowing they wouldn’t move soon was at leas scary. Sam was excited, he always wanted to stay more than two months on a school, and finally he could. Dean didn’t. He liked moving, a hunter’s life. A whole year? He wasn’t excited. Bobby was extremely happy to have them both with him for the year, he really enjoyed the boys, and it was cool not having to stay alone. Sure, he would hunt less, but could help John and some other hunters with research more often.

            Getting almost late, Dean parked the car and Sam run to class, barely saying goodbye. Dean walked lazily to his locker; not that he had books or anything, but wanted to see where it was. They already had the schedule, so he walked slowly to his knew class, the first one was history. He got in to class, the professor, looked at him, only pointing a seat at the side of the wall. Dean set down. The girl in his front turns to him.

            - Hello! New guy, right? What’s your name? – She asked, smiling. She had a short, curly red hair, and was wearing a Lord of The Rings necklace.

            - Hi. I’m Dean. – He said, not in the mood to make friends.

            - Well, hello Dean. I’m Charlie. – She smiled; Dean smiled back not even thinking about keeping his bad boy face on.

            She turns her back to him to talk to the boy in front of her, laughing at something he said. Dean didn’t see the boy, but didn’t mind. The girl on the other side of the class was staring at him. Cute, he thinks winking at her. She blushed and looked away.

            - So, what’s up? – Charlie turns to him again. He shrugged. - Not much for talking, are you?

            - Not really. – He said, wanting to end the conversation. She turned to the boy in her front again; Dean picked his notebook from his bag and started drawing. Monsters. He wasn’t a good drawer, but want to past the time, so…

            - Wow cool. – Charlie said. – What are they? – She asked, pointing at one creepy one, a little girl.

            - This is a ghost. – He said, remembering of when he and his dad salted her. The little girl was nasty, killed five people in three days and kicked their asses.

            - Nice. Where from?

            - Nowhere.

            - Oh. So, are you into videogames?

            - Not really, don’t have time.

            - What are you into?

            - Not much. Legends and stuff.

            - Legends? Like, real legends? Like what?

            - Like werewolves and stuff like that.

            - Anything else?

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