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In the next day, Dean woke up at 3pm and got out for food. He bough some stuff for the rest of the weekend and some stuff to eat watching movies. He was still curious about what Charlie said, but would ask her when she got there. About five Ash texted Dean.

            Dude, can’t go today – Ash

            Why? – Dean

            Some stuff came up – Ash

            C’mon Ash, why can’t you come? – Dean

            Stuffs, Dean – Ash

            Are you in trouble? – Dean

            No, just don’t want to go anyways – Ash

            Why not? – Dean

            Charlie is crazy about that Lord of the Rings thing and I already watched that four times – Ash

            C’mon dude – Dean

            Once was enough, I really can’t go – Ash

            Okay, I tell her… – Dean

            Tell her only when she got there, or she will make me go – Ash

            Dean laughed, but agreed. Ash was not that much for social, anyway. Six o’clock, the doorbell rang.

            - Seriously, when we say around six, is not really at six. – Dean said opening the door laughing.

            - Oh, is it? – Cas asked confused.

            - Yeah Cas, come in. – He smiled embarrassed, going inside.

            - I… Brought something. – He gives Dean the box he was holding. He opened: a whole pie.

            - Oh dude are you kidding me? – Dean said extremely excited. – I could just kiss you right know. – He joked.

            - You could. – Cas mumbled.

            - What? – Dean asked looking at him. He had heard, but surely wrong.

            - Nothing. – Cas blushed and looked down.

            - Whatever, man, come in. Sam’s in the couch. – Dean said, pointing the living room, going to put the pie in the kitchen. Had he heard right? Was that why Charlie said he was blind?

            He got to the living room and Cas and Sam where talking, but the doorbell rang before he could sit again.

            - Man, you guys are really sharp, aren’t ya? – He asked as Charlie and Jo where in the door.

            - I do not play with Lord of the Rings. – Charlie said, giving Dean the box of movies. He laughed and let them in.

            - Ash is not coming; he doesn’t want to watch Lord of the Rings again. – Dean said Charlie made a face.

            - Traitor. – She said, sitting in the couch between Cas and Sam. – Sammy your fluffy stuff.

            - Dean help! – He said laughing, Charlie laugh.

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