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( and so it began )

"And rise through the night".

In an instance, three boys popped up on stage. One on bass, one on drums and one on guitar. The music bombed through the speakers, but as the song went on the sound drowned out.

People swarmed forward to gather around the stage. There were cheers and gasps. People were shoved and phones were raised. But my eyes never left the boy in red.

As the crowd cheered he played with energy. Bouncing around the stage until a girl with curly hair — Julie joined him. He was captivating, no matter what happened I couldn't look away.

And just as he appeared he was gone. Disappearing almost as suddenly as he appeared.

"Hey, where'd the rest of the band go?", a boy asked while running on the stage.

"Wait. Were those holograms?", the purple dancer from dirty candy asked excitedly.

"Yes! Yes, they were holograms", she replied while pointing out to the crowd. A nervous chuckle slipping out with the action.

"I plugged it into the ceiling projector before the show. I'd explain it, but it involves algorithms and science stuff", with her confirmation the room broke out into applause. My hands moved on their own, but my mind kept replaying what I had just seen on stage.

"OK, people, show's over. Let's get back to class, please", the principal spoke her voice dull and flat.

As everyone filed out of the gym, a quiet "what was that?", could be heard amongst the chatter, but I paid it no mind.

My locker wasn't far from the gym, so I was given front row seats to see students surrounding Julie as she exited. A strong sense of pride washed over me, it was good to see Julie performing again. We were never close, but I always knew she had what it took to be a star.

A girl in a red cheetah print sweater — Flynn I believe was her name, speed-walked past. She seemed upset; and as much as I wanted to, I decided against asking why. That was none of my business. As the halls emptied out I finished grabbing my books and closed my locker to get to class.

There was no reason for me to rush, the bell wasn't set to ring for another few minutes. So I turned the corner and entered the hall with the water fountain; I could use a drink. Before I could reach for the button my shoulder shuddered softly.

"What was that", I spoke out loud to no one in particular. The janitor down the hall looked up but looked down before saying anything. He probably thought I was crazy.

I could hear footsteps approaching. There was only one reason to come down this hall, and I was standing right at it. I hurried to the end before I'd have to deal with the awkward situation that was two people wanting to use the water fountain.

"You! Stop doing that!", I heard from behind me. I turned to see Julie. Was she talking to herself?

"Yeah, the whole school saw you", she paused. "It's kinda freaking me out". There was a long silence before she spoke up again.

"Are you kidding? They loved us!", she said her head bobing up slightly. " That was a great song, Luke. Thanks".

She stopped speaking again, and I couldn't help but be more intrigued. Who was Luke? And why was she thanking thin air for a song? She let out a slight giggle drawing me out of my thoughts.

This was wrong. This was really, really wrong. I shouldn't be spying on her like this. Finally taking my attention off of her, I turned to walk to class.


As I walked towards Julie's garage the faint sound of guitar could be heard. It sounded good, I should ask her who she was listening to.

"Guys, you aren't supposed to be out here playing alone", I heard her say as I reached the garage door.

"Who are you talking to?", I asked as I walked into the garage.

"Y/n! I didn't know you were dropping by today", she replied frantically. Was she nervous?

"Oh no, I just wanted to stop by to say that you sounded great at the assembly", her features relaxed as I went on. "I don't know how you did that hologram thing, but it was really cool", I finished as a small smile blossomed on her face.

"Thanks y/n, but it was nothing".

"Nothing? Julie you sounded better than some of the bands I've gone to see at concerts! Don't sell yourself short".

When she didn't reply I decided to change the subject.

"Hey so...", I hesitated. "The boys who were singing with you. Do you guys like hang out?", I asked, trying to play off my nerves.

"Hang out? What! No, we don't hang out", she stuttered out. "They just kind of, you know, send me the videos of them playing the songs we decide on".

"Oh, so you guys chat online, cool".

"Yes!", she replied — the same nervous chuckle she gave at the assembly slipping out. Was she... uncomfortable?

"Oh, well tell them I thought they did a great job. And umm, make sure to tell me when you have your next performance", I said as I looked around avoiding eye contact just said she did. I inhaled sharply, her gaze finally landing on me.

"Well, I should get going. Homework and everything; it was nice seeing you, Julie. Catch you later at school", I rushed out before turning to leave. Well, that was awkward.

( "do people always fall in love with things they can't have?" - the prince of salt )

( "do people always fall in love with things they can't have?" - the prince of salt )

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