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( fateful )

"Dude we are so in there", Luke said, bending his arm backward to give Reggie a handshake.

"You guys are still not off the hook", I said crossing my arms. "You guys can't be playing out here alone".

"But we're not alone", Reggie said looping his arm around Luke's shoulder. "Cause we always have each other", Reggie finished as I unplugged his bass from the amp.

"But... but we had the volume level on one", Luke exclaimed frantically as he threw his guitar strap off his shoulders.

"But we rocked it on volume ten". Reggie added rolling his head in the process. "You want us to play it again?".

"I really don't think she does".

"No", The raven loosely grasped his finger while looking down.

"We've been waiting for you to get home", Luke said, breaking the silence. "OK, so we have some pretty major news to tell you. We had a band meeting earlier, and...", Reggie patted his knees for a drumroll.

"We wanna invite you to join Sunset Curve. And no, you're not dreaming".

"Oh", I said avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, uh... Oh, she said, "Oh." Um..", The brunet chuckled nervously. "That's what you say
when you get socks on your birthday, not when invited to join the most epic band ever".

"The band who already has fans asking when their next concert is", Reggie added.

"Reggie just because Y/n asked when we were performing again, doesn't mean we have 'fans'", I said sternly, but my face betrayed my words when my lips peaked up into a small smile.

"Okay but one cute girl talking about us, means there's got to be others", Reggie smiled towards the sky as he finished his sentence.

"Uh oh, looks like somebody's got a crush on Julie's friend", Luke teased.

When Reggie's cheeks flushed, I slapped Luke's shoulder — even though my hand went right through I think he got the message. I switched the conversation back to our previous topic.

"Sorry. I'm honored, but I can't think about anything but Flynn right now", I said stuffing my fingers into my pockets. "She's still mad at me for lying. She hasn't even texted me back".

"Yeah, you're in a tough spot".

"Yeah", Reggie agreed.

"So, you wanna join the band?", Luke asked again.

"Read the room, dude".


When I reached my locker I pulled out my AirPods to put them in my locker. I grabbed my books and closed the locker door before walking down the hall. I caught sight of Y/n at her locker and decided to check up on her. I was kinda awkward when she stopped by yesterday.

"Hey, Y/n!"

"Oh, hi Julie", Y/n beamed looking from behind her locker door.

"I just wanted to apologize for being all weird yesterday".

"It's no problem, Julie. I should have told you I was stopping by first", her tone almost betraying her words.

"Actually, I came by to ask a favor".

"Sure anything".

"Well I know you said you wanted to know when we're performing next and all—"

"Oh yeah", she replied sweetly. "You're performing at the school dance right?".

"What?", I asked, taken aback by her words.

"Yeah, it's all over my timeline". She pulled out her phone, a poster with Julie and the phantoms written as clear as day.

"Cool name, by the way, I guess they are kinda like ghosts", she said putting her phone away. "Anyways", she asked, finally closing her locker to turn to face me. "What was it you wanted to ask?"

"Right,'' I said, regaining my train of thought. "I was just gonna ask if you mind coming over after school and listening to some tracks".

"That sounds like fun. I'll be there, maybe I could even hear you and the boys practice".

"Oh, no",  I back pelted. "The boys hate practicing right before a performance. They're scared to waste all their energy, you know".

"Oh", she said disappointment sketched on her features. "Well, I'm sure you guys are gotta call each other to go over last minute details".

"Definitely, definitely".

"Great! I'll think of some ideas that I can run by you and the guys when I come later. I gotta get going though", she said looking down at her wrist to check the time. "But I'll see you after school; oh and you have some drum sticks in your back pocket".

As she walked I pulled the sticks from my pocket. "I walked myself into that one".

I pulled out my phone to text Flynn, I'm definitely going to need her help if I want to survive the night.


"Okay, guys remember when Y/n comes in I can't talk unless I'm pretending to be on the phone".

"She seems cool you should just tell her about us". Luke called from the overhead.

"Luke you know the whole point of a secret is to keep the number of people who know to a minimum.

"She's got a point",  Alex pipped in.

I couldn't help the feeling of déjà vu that swept over me. Haven't we had this conversation before?

"I still think it's unfair that I have no idea what you guys are talking about", Flynn playfully complained.

"Don't you have five hundred balloons to blow up or something", I retired as I moved to my laptop to unlock it.

"Yeah", Flynn shrugged, "But seeing this is gonna be way more entertaining".

Just as the last syllable escaped Flynn's mouth the studio door opened slightly, revealing Y/n dressed in a white babydoll dress with puffed sleeves. She wore a gold butterfly necklace and multiple golden bands on her arm. She looked good.

"Hey Julie!", she said once she was fully in the studio. "Oh hey, Flynn I didn't know you'd be here too".

"Well I'm supposed to be blowing up balloons, but they're upstairs in Julie's room and I just can't bring myself to move".

"That's no problem, I'll go grab them for you", Y/n giggle. "Besides I can help you while I'm listening to tracks".

( "sometimes fate is what you make it, and i'm making life with you." - wicked heart )

" - wicked heart )

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