1: fuck this world

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The day started out like any other day since y/n arrived in this world.

Her morning started with the dreadful sound of her alarm that now forever haunts her nightmares along with the unpleasant weight in her stomach with the knowledge that she was late. Quickly getting dressed y/n grabbed her phone and feather necklace before dashing out the door of her shared apartment. Hopefully not waking her roommate—whom she has never seen.

Her ever so mysterious roommate would be gone during the night, coming home early in the morning and by the time y/n wakes up, they would already be passed out in their room. Did she find this weird?

With the context of their neighborhood, y/n is 95% sure that her roommate was a drug dealer. After all, there was always a smoke smell coming from their room—then again their business was none of her concerns as long as they paid their portion of the rent on time and kept the area clean.

Y/n would sometimes leave behind meals for them when she has extra ingredients and in return, they would sometimes leave some take out for her.

As y/n rushed to the train station, the sounds of a crowd can be heard along with the voices of police officers talking through megaphones ushering the crowd to stay away from the fight. As she got closer, y/n pushed her way through the crowd and slipped under the caution tape.

"Please stay back and do not cross the caution tape!" a police officer yelled into the megaphone as y/n slipped under the tape as if she'd done it many times in the past.


When y/n was first thrown into this world, it was as if she just suddenly appeared. No family. No friends. And no quirk. Just her and the possessions on her. One moment she was an average joe whom nobody ever notices walking home from school while reading the latest chapter of My Hero Academia and then when she looked up, she saw a guy with a fish head. A. Fish. Head.

Y/n swore that the man would've been offended if she hasn't fallen down.

"Are you alright?" the guy with a fish head asked, reaching his webby hands out.

"Y-yeah." y/n let out, hesitantly taking his hand—fins? "Th-thank you."

With that, she quickly ran off into an alleyway before collapsing on the ground. Hugging her backpack she panicked.

Who was that? How did that guy have a fish head?! Is that even possible? Okay y/n calm down. I'm sure this is a dream and you'll wake up soon.

Pinching herself. Y/n was met with pain.

Shit, this isn't a dream. Fuck.


Her phone. Yes! Her phone!

Y/n's hands stumbled into her pocket as she quickly tried to take out her phone. On her lock screen was a notification from an unknown app that she has never installed.

Clicking on the notification, it opened up the app.


The name of the app was very straightforward.

But what world is this?

When the screen finished loading she was greeted by one sentence.

Welcome to My Hero Academia.

Y/n clasped her phone.

She was in My Hero Academia. Fuck.

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