🔥Bennett x💧Claymore [F] Reader - Why Lie? - Part I

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"That's another bounty done! Time to head back," my claymore disappears. I make my way back to Mondstadt.

On the way, I hear someone, "ow! What was that?"

I look around for the voice. As I look, something tumbles down the hill in front of me. Ready my claymore, it stops it's a guy. I hope he's not hurt.

"Hey, are you okay?" I bend down to him.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine thanks." He sits up, and rubs back of his head. Looks up, oh Barbatos! He has emerald eyes. Notice his forehead bleeding.

"Your head bleeding?!" I ripe piece of my shirt, hold his head. "How do you feel? Dizzy? Sleepy? You need to see a doctor!"

He starts laughing, "don't worry. I'm okay, this happens all time."

"What do you mean happens?"

"I'm unlucky, I get hurt most days. Well, every day actually..."

"No one can be that unlucky." He stands up, starts to wobble. "Hey take it easy!"

"I'm okay, thanks for worrying. Hey, where's your team?"

"Team? I'm a bounty hunter, why would I have a team?"

"You're a bounty hunter, huh? I thought you were an adventurer."

"Nope, being a bounty hunter means I get mora. I don't like coming home empty-handed. I only take the jobs I know I can do. Names (Y/N), by the way."

"I'm Bennett, leader of Benny's Adventure Team."

"Cool, imagine you and your team go on a lot of adventures. Where is your team?"

"Oh, they're on break at the moment. Our last adventure, was pretty rough."

"Shouldn't you be resting too then? You have to set a good example, being the leader. Especially after that head injury."

"Naa, I'll be fine. I'm leader got to look after my team."

"I suppose, I rather work alone. Were you heading back to Mondstadt? If so, did you want to go back together?"

"T-Together? Mean sure, don't want you to get attack on the way back."

We start heading back, "more like you don't collapse on the way back, hehe."

On the way, Bennett talks about the adventures him and his team have been on. I talk about the bounties I've collected. He tries to convince me to join the adventurers guild. I knocked back, nicely of course and thanked him. He seems like a really nice guy.

- Time Skip -

Over the next few months, my bounties had me closer to Mondstadt. I ran into Bennett a lot more. But never his team, he always had some excuse or other. And that he's rather unlucky. Insanely unlucky, you wouldn't believe. We were walking, out of nowhere, a pinecone hits him on the head. Or the tiniest rock he trips over it. Really how unlucky can one guy get?

Anyway today I haven't got any bounties. I decided to take a walk, in the surrounding areas. I ended up at Windrise, saw Bennett sitting on a log. He looks really down, nothing gets this guy down. I make my way over to him.

"Hey Bennett, what's up?"

He falls back off the log. "Oh (Y/N) it's you, "  he climbs back on. "Nothing just taking a short break."

I sit beside him, notice he's a little more banged up the usual. Since meeting him, I now carry a first aid kit. "Rough day?" I point to the burn on his arm.

"Abyss mage..."

I take his arm, "it's going to be tougher if you don't treat it." I pull my kit out, start treating his arm. "So where's your team?" I ask, wonder what he'll come up with.

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