Mika: oof. no b.s. today

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The front food opened and Owen's dad was stood there a pissed off aura around him whilst a polite smile grazed his face,

'Owen, didn't know you invited your friend back here.'

'Oh no, he didn't invite me. I need to talk to you and your wife right now.' Mika ducked under the older man's arm and walked into the kitchen as if it were his own home, he sat on the kitchen counter and swung his legs back and forth waiting patiently.

Owens dad walked in with an angry look on his face,

'You can't just barge into my home without permission-'

'I don't think I need permission from an asshole. Now I like to think I'm good at biology, So I'm pretty sure- very sure in fact, that assholes can't talk. So how about you just sit down and wait for your wife and let me do all the talking, okay?' the teen said, his voice calm again. He looked over at Owen who shook his head slightly as if that would do anything to stop him.

Owen's dad was greatly taller than Mika with arms ten times the size of the purple haired teens. But Mika managed to get his message across quite quickly and the older man sat down.

A few moments later Mrs Myers walked in with a confused and pissed off look on her face,

'Great, now that we're all here- let me get a few things straight, Owen here ISN'T a fucking disappointment and Mandy was the one who helped keep his anger in check. She was his best fucking friend and to be honest I'd be really fucking shocked if he wasn't affected by her death. So you two need to fucking appolagise to him for yelling about the bullshit that you seem to believe to be true.' Mika snapped and Owen left the kitchen.

Owens mother stayed quiet whilst his father stood up and yanked the older teen off of the counter and shoved him,

'You don't get to tell me and my wife how to think of our children- you don't have the right you disgusting fag.' The sharp wit drew out of the purple haired teens face and the older man was pulled back by the older woman,

'Leave it. He's right.' she muttered and Mika smiled smugly and slipped out of the kitchen to the living room where Owen was sat looking through his phone.

'Hey, it's sorted.'

'What'd he say? I couldn't hear.' Owen asked and Mika just shrugged,

'He called me a fag but thats nothing new, huh?' the purpled haired teen said with a short forced laugh.

Owen stood up and took the older teens chin in his hand,

'Go wait in the car, I'll see you in a minute.' he said, leaning in closely and kissing the older teen on the face before moving into the kitchen. Mika left the house and sat in the car, waiting for the other teen to come back out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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