20.)The Teacher pt.Extra

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The Teacher: Extra
As you woke up a throbbing ache in your chest took over and a difficulty to function within you stopped at movement. You felt tears well up in your eyes as you turned your head and took in the fact that other side was empty. Harry must have left after everything that had occurred last night.
It didn't help the fact that today was your one month anniversary together and he wasn't around. It surprised you how one moment you could hate him and want him gone but the next you were craving his touch and him.
You shouldn't have let yesterday happen and just heard him out. You rushed your judgment and it made you feel terrible. All of your thoughts were everywhere and nothing made sense anymore. You had no doubts that Harry loved you but did you love him? And of course there was the part of you wondering how he could love you so soon into the relationship. If you were being honest it was if he was more invested in you then you were him.
He had his flaws, as bizarre as they are, he always took care of you when you needed to be taken care of. As all of this passed through your mind you couldn't shake the feeling that he was probably hurting at his home.
You decided that yesterday would stay in the past and for today it would be forgotten. Tomorrow you would deal with all of it but for right now you just wanted Harry to hold you and whisper how much he loved you in your ear.
You grabbed your forgotten phone on the nightstand and dialed his number. After a few rings he picked up, sounding groggy on the other end.
"Hey," you whispered down the line. You could hear shuffling in the background as he got up.
"Hi," he replied back. You noticed how much more awake he sounded and it made you smile a little.
"Can I come over to yours for a while?" You asked as you played with the hem of your tee-shirt, one of Harry's, and waited for him to respond.
"Of course! I'll come and get you." You gave thanks and hung up to get ready. Since it was going to cold and cloudy out, you decided to just throw on a pair of sweats and sweatshirt. It was nothing fancy but today was going to be about comfort. You reached for his gift up in the closet and held it close.
You wondered if Harry would realize what today was but you would understand if he didn't. You yawned, yesterdays events still have taken the energy out of you. The minute you saw Harry you would leap in his arms and tell him how sorry you were.
You were hoping the discussion you would ask him to have would mend the problems between the two of you and solve future ones to come.
You waited impatiently for him to come and you jumped up as you heard his car pull into the drive and his door slam. The knock on the door had you running to get it. Just like you thought you would, you jumped into his arms and held him tightly.
He staggered as he caught you but held you tightly to him. You couldn't stop the wave of tears that came over you as you cried into his neck.
"I'm so sorry about yesterday. I care about you so much and I didn't listen to you," you blubbered on. He soothingly rubbed your back and kissed your hair as you clung to him as water would a leaf.
"It's okay, shush now, we're okay baby girl." He put you down gently and held your face in his hands.
"I love you so much," he breathed and you smiled up at him. In the face of everything he still made you smile.
"Do you know what today is?" You asked him as his expression turned to be affronted; you giggled at how silly he looked as he led you to the passenger of the car after he locked up your house. You had picked up your gift for him and were holding it in your arms again.
"Of course I know what today is; I have everything set up at home." He never seemed to call it his home but used the term like it was both of yours. You nodded as you both got into the car and drove to his place.
"You are very good at making breakfast," you teased him as he devoured his eggs and took your uneaten ones off of your plate.
"I like food, just like any other human baby." You blushed at the pet name and he smirked over at you. You decided since he was in a happier mood that you should bring up wanting to talk tomorrow.
"Harry," you started out, "I know that everything went to hell yesterday but I really do want to hear your side of the story. I was thinking we could talk about it tomorrow, I really don't want to ruin today." You told him quietly as you looked over at him.
"I agree with that. If your my girl I need to tell you things." You were happy he didn't get angry so you didn't say anything more but just continued to watch him plow through breakfast. When he was finished you took both of your plates to the sink and rinsed them out. Two strong arms laced around your waist and his face went straight into your neck, his unruly hair tickling your face.
You turned around and fingered one of the long strands. You loved his hair and it just felt so soft under your fingers.
"I have something for you," he said before he crashed his lips to yours and picked you up. He carried you up the stairs and unceremoniously dropped you on the bed.
"Close your eyes," he whispered in your ear and you did as he asked of you. You could hear him opening a drawer and pulling something out. You tapped your sock covered feet anxiously as you felt him move around the bed to rest right behind you.
You felt his hands move over your throat as a cool metal was placed there. You gasped and your eyes flew open.
"Go look in the mirror baby girl." As you got up so did he and you ran to the mirror. Gazing right back at you was a simple yet stunning necklace, the diamond sizable enough to be seen right away. Your mouth was open as you turned to face Harry who had a large smile on his face, dimples prominently known.
"Harry it's beautiful but it's way too much. We've only been together for a month and-" he cut you off as he kissed you. His lips moving fiercely against yours; he broke away as quickly as he had started it, leaving you all flustered.
"I love you and my baby girl only gets the best from me. You're mine to take care of, and if I want to buy you what I wish then I will. It looks as stunning as I thought it would on you." He touched the hollow of your throat where it laid nicely.
"Thank you, I love it." You whispered as you leaned up and gave him a kiss on the lips. You didn't want to know what the price of this necklace came with but if it meant fixing things then you were glad to wear it.

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