what I've so far been up in my summer break... (jan 11 2021)

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Note: this is a different layout to what I have previously done :D 

...hopefully this entry will be way shorter than the previous ones lol (🤞)

[lol I have to check how I've done the current time thingy in the previous entries cause I haven't written an entry in so long...]

*ends up reading comments from my first 'chapter' of this book aka the full description and cracks up (shoutout to my insane IRL buddy @introverting_rn hehe)*

Current time: 8:53pm (wow the earliest I've written? is my sleep shedule ba--*remembers that last night I stayed up til 3--NEVER MIND UMM MOVING ON XD)

Here are some of the things I've been busy doing in my holidays: 
(p.s. I know y'all american and like everyone else on the planet has already gone back to school lol; AUSSIE RULES AND PRIVLEDGES)

actually there's not that much different heh; you guys have you're summer break in July-Augand aussie peeps have the same break but only in Dec-Jan instead so oop

aNyWaY (count 1? XD), here is stuff I've been doing :D: (<-- lol that looks like a weird face)



(If you have Spotify, I'm also @ lilperfectionist)

 If you also have Spotify, the Confidence Playlist has been my jammm

lemme check some of the bOpS I've been listening to--OH WAIT I REMEMBER (for once lol) SOME OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD :D

Songs I reccomend:

- Salt by Ava Max
- Who's Laughing Now (also) by Ava Max

(^been loving those songs by Ava Max :D suggest others by her if you listen to her)

*trying to remember more...*

I'm giving up lol; lemme check my jan playlist real quick...

ok I'm back :)

- Lost in Japan by Shawn Mendes
(lol quick storytime I thought Shawn Mendes looked like Ed Sheeran for like YEARS and when I realised...😬😨😶)

*short break as mOtHeR interrupts (she always seems to whenever I am writing heh...)*

bTw I'm listening to Bada** Woman by Meghan Trainer (yes I won't even say--write a** hehe and also yees I had to check how to spell Meghan's name hehe)

(another) anywayyy more music I suggest:

- Love Myself by Olivia O'Brien (explicit beware)

also NOTE: I listen to songs with swear words--wait I mean I can physically listen to swearing songs (although I kinda avoid/die a little <-- my innocent side talking) but I don't personally swear irl or on wattpad/writing...did that make sense 😅

also these emojis are so hard to do fast lol; I have this Miniso (pls tell me america has miniso) BlueTooth keyboard and it doesn't have the windows (wait that's the spelling right?...) key!! so I have to use my keyboard which is like 2 WHOLE METERS--more like 5 cm lol--AWAY AND IT DELAYS MY SPEED AHHH

wOw FiRsT wOrLd pRoBlEmS (<-- I don't like how that L looks like a capitalised i ahhhhh 😐☹ <-- woahhh what happened to that emoji...tell me if you see a black and white sad face or if that is just me)

heh this was meant to be the shortest entry but at this speed it's going to be an essay; my skill lol

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