Trust Always Breaks

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((A/N: Oki so I don't know how good the sex part turned out i don't write that often. But i hope it was ok. and you can expect more of those in the future. Just maybe longer and more detailed i plan to get better at them as this continues and ima start making a voting system on who dies. so more people get to be involved. Anyway enjoy todays chapter and stay healthy))


((This is compete continuation after what happened))

As the siren went off calling an emergency meeting people began entering the room. Though Julius had to carry Hoshi after the fun time in the admin office. Sitting Hoshi on a bench in cafe before glancing around. Rose just walked in and everyone was there, but Remiru and Cayde were nowhere to be found. "Should we go find them"? Hoshi asked with a small shake in her voice. "They're probably in medbay" Jess said sighing lightly. She was annoyed after being woken up. The captain sighed and decided to have Julius get them. Mainly cause he did just have sex in Admin. It's his punishment. Kinda.

(( it's not sex))

Cayde looked down after waking up to see the smaller female curled up on his chest. Sighing lightly he noticed something in her hair. And he pulled it. Remiru jumped up a whimper coming from her mouth in pain. "The hell was that for" she said in a half asleep tone. "Do you, have ears"? Cayde asked staring as she blushed in realization. "Um, yeah I do. Just don't tell anyone" she said getting quiet at the end. Not hearing the ending of her sentence he tilted his head slightly. "Whatcha say"? He asked utterly confused. "Please don't tell anyone I don't wanna get kicked off for looking a little different". She looked away the only thought in head was that he thought she looked gross. "Ok. Besides your a cute little wolfie". The second Cayde said that she blushed and sighed, Shrugging lightly. "So why'd you wake me up? It's not like we need to do anything". She glanced towards him a look of either 'imma kill you' or 'what the hell is wrong with you'. He can't tell. "I saw your ears and pulled them. I didn't know what they were. So I thought I'd attack". Once he said that she gave him the what the fuck look. "Dumbass" she said glaring.

Cayde was confused in many ways. How did they fall asleep and when did she have ears. Maybe it was surgery for all he knew. "So why do you have ears"? He asked before getting a glare from the female. "Doesn't matter so forget about it. I mean not like you'll see them again" . Hearing the female say that made him glare in return.

The two were sitting in 'silence' save for the wolf like female swinging her legs and humming. The tune sounded bittersweet. But beautiful in a way. "What song is that" he said not looking at her. "It's called my r. I heard a little kid at work sing it. It's dark but it sounds beautiful" she spoke that kinda sadly but also happily. Cayde looks at her with a bittersweet smile. "Can you sing it"? He asked just glancing at her. "Maybe another day. But who knows I mean one of us could die and I never would get to." She sighed and laughed a little. "Alright let's go besides I wanna shower before someone fucks me over" she said standing up only to suddenly be pulled down. "Wha-" she was cut off by lips covering hers. Pulling away Cayde immediately sighed. "Sorry I just felt like I had to" once he stopped talking she kissed him making him go wide eyed and kissing back. The two began to roughly kiss and Cayde went to move down when the door to the medbay opened.

"Well damn guess I wasn't the only one getting it on". Julius laughed at little as he stared at the blushing young adults. "Alright love birds we gotta go to an emergency meeting. And please don't think I'll tell them you almost fucked I mean I got ass in admin so" Julius said before Turing around and walking out the two following after him putting their helmets on in the process. "Wait a second who did you fuck" Cayde asked honestly intrigued. "Lime, I was honestly annoyed and needed a quick fuck" Julius responded shrugging his shoulders. Remiru just sighed and laughed under breath. 'At least their having fun' she thought to herself continuing down the hallway with them as the boys talked about the admin quickie.

The three arrived at the cafeteria only to see the captain arguing with Jess and a male in between them all. Wondering who he was the three stepped forward making themselves known. "Why the hell is their a kid" Remiru said glancing down at Jess holding the small kid. "The kid was floating in space did you expect me not to get them out of there" Jess yelled out. "Their a kid a fucking KID". The captain growled before walking over and tearing the kid out of Jess' arms. "That KID should be where we found it" the captain said glaring down at Jess who was basically snarling at him for taking the kid away. "Give her back the kid. Before something happens to you" Remiru said as Rose moved to hold Jess so she didn't attack the captain. "Don't hold her back she has a right to protect a kid" Hoshi said smirking under her helmet waiting to see what goes down. "Black I don't wanna hear anything from you. Running off because you can't handle a death" the second the captain said that Remi walked forward taking the kid out of the captains arms and handing the small scare kid to Jess. "Listen up that death was your daughter. Act like you give a shit. She was your child. And because she's dead doesn't mean you get the right to take a child away from someone who already cares for them. Now you get your shit together before I personally put you in your place". The second she said that the captain laughed before standing closer and staring down at her. "That kid shouldn't be here and my daughter shouldn't have either. Yknow I'm happy she's gone. She deserved to die anyway". Remi growled before suddenly punching his helmet cracking the face of it.

Cayde ran forward pulling Remi back. The small female tried to wiggle away from him. Jess was holding the small child in her arms in anger and surprise at what the captain said about his own kid. Julius was surprised when Hoshi laughed at the situation. "Cayde let her go the man deserves it. He did say his own flesh and blood deserved death". When Hoshi said that rose immediately yelled. "No one deserved to get beat up we can just vote him off like normal people". Finally escaping Cayde's arms Remi ran forward tackling the captain and staring punching as hard as she could in his head denting his helmet everytime. Hoshi started laughing more seeing such a small female beat up a guy so much bigger. All the sudden everyone got quiet as she was flipped over and got hit in the ribs by the larger male. That's when the guys stepped in. Cayde and Julius immediately tried pulling the captain off as the smaller females ribs cracked from the pressure. The smaller female tore the captains helmet off before slamming her helmet into his head making the male dizzy and easier to pull off. As soon as he was off Jess and Rose moved over to make sure she was fine the child now in Hoshi's arms. "Hey pretty colored woman" the small kid said staring up at Hoshi. "Um hey" Hoshi said awkwardly looking over at Remi who was coughing.

"Are you ok. Can you see straight are you able to breathe" Rose kept asking questions to which Remi only nodded her head yes and now to. Jess moved and pulled off Remiru's helmet so they could hear her better if she spoke. "I can breathe but I totally cracked a rib and will definitely have a headache tomorrow." Remi laughed after coughing again. "Um come on let's take you to bed. You need rest" Rose helped Remi up holding her up with her own body weight before Jess helped Hoshi and the kid to the female quarters. "Boys please keep the captain under control. Okie" Hoshi said before laughing under her breath and heading back with the girls.

"Ladies are weird" Cayde said to Julius as they dragged the dizzy captain their quarters. "That they are Kid" Julius sighed before they went back finally being able to sleep after the first day.


DAY ONE:Ended (9 remaining)

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