Regulus' sorting

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Yes I'm veering of cannon duh. Reg will be in  different houses in different one shots.

Regulus- slytherin
Tw- abuse, selfharm and send hate

Reg p.o.v

Sirius breathes out as we reach the station, him clutching at his stomach as soon as our parents can not see us
"Sirius, what's wrong? Did they use it?"
He nods and I pull him into an archway, causing an explosion the other and if the platform so no one can see us. I get my brother to lift up his shirt, I point my wand at him and he violently flinshes, I flinch back aswell but my brother ruffles my hair as I perform some basic healing charms on him from the recent crucios and cuts. He pulls me into a tight hug, his chin resting in my head beofre someone grabs his hand, he pushes me behind him and pulls his wand out of his hair, before he sees the other gryffindoor.
"Remus! "
The taller boy holds my brother close, rubbing his back, a third gryffindoor making sure out cousins don't see us
"You must be the famous young brother of black"
"Heir potter"
I nod to the boy I now notice as the only child of the potters.
"Master black"
We shake hands and I spot my brother laughing, i smile at him and the youngest potter grins at me
"call me james"
Sirius pulls me into a hug, whispering in my ear
"reg. You have to be in slytherin,  I can't let you get hurt reg. You're my kittle brother no patter what. This is a copy of the map we made, the password wasn't changeable sorry to open - I solemly swear I am I to no good. And to lock it which you must after every time -mishceif managed. No one will be able to detect it I promsie, and James has something for you so you won't be alone ever
"Oh yeah. This is my invisibility cloak, we will be the only people able to see you, onky woth our map. Look after it yeah? Without it on looks like any other cloak. Goodkuck and thanks for keeping Sirius okay "

He squeeze me tightly Sirius joining aswell remus puts the cloak and map into my trunk, I lock eyes with him and pok my to my brother's wrists and then his thighs and the werewolf grows a worries frown and nods. 

James lets go and Sirius eventually pull hisnelf away, passing me a mirror first though.
"One last thing so you don't forget me little brother. To speak to me ask for my full names okay?"
I nod and he birdie his face in my hair
"I love you reg"
"I love you too sirri"

I feel a book in my pocket but some question it as my brother lets go, him obviosi ly still in pain as he leans on lupin. I pick up my trunk and satchel and head to an empty compartment, I pull the book out my pocket
I roll my eyes and under the title is my brothers near writtikf saying padfoot with a roughly drawn dogs head and prongs with a stag, there is also a Fox with the name argentum. (Latin for silver)

I trace my brother's animagus drawing before pulling out one of my healer books, searxhing for a charm to completely eradicate the effects of the cruiatus curse. I jump though as the door opens, looking up I see a third year slytherin who sits next to me, slightly shaky and he begins to speak. "Can I sit here?"
I nod and he sits down
"I'm severus, I'm friends with your brother"
"Regulus. Let me guess he sent you"
The older boy nods, I notice the signs I see echoed in my bribe though,
"Are you okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be"

He snaps at me and I try to hide away from the sharp voices
"When when you love with walburga and Orion black you know the signs of abuse, and when your brother has anxiety, depression and anorexia you begin to get a grasp in mental illness too young"
He strips away his glamoir after drawing the curtains and locking the door, I rush to him and gel him take his robe, junoer and short off, examining all of his scars and his skinny frame, different curse scars aswell.

"Your smart"
"Im going to be a healer, make up for what the blacks have done"
He smiles and i use my wand to heal a broken wrist and several lrge open wounds. He puts his clothes back on and I take out a option from my trunk
"I usually out them in my brothers coffee, I put most in his trunk though, nutrition option please take it"
He warily takes it and examines it
"Oh you're severus I forget myself. Never give a options genius one of your own im sorry. I forgot my manners "
"Regulus. Thank you, I don't find it offensive"

He takes it and smiels at me
"The taste?"
"Sirius knows the taste easily so I added mint he only thinks I flavour his coffee"
"And it doenst affect the quality or how it works. You're good"
I smile and return to my book
"Youre argentum. That means James must be prongs. Why silver when you're friends with a warewolf?"
"I make his wolfsbane, I helped madam pomfrey with the idea of it"
I curl up on myself in the corner as the door is unlocked I begin reading only for my cousin to storm in
Narcissa sota elegantly next to me, ignoring the half blood that is severus.
"Reg bella is going to come I soon, I suggest your friend leave or hide"
"Cissa you can not tell anyone about what I going to do "
She makes a vowl,  her still being nice to both Sirius and I as I fish out the cloak James gave me and help sev to the luggage rack above us. Cissa laughs and we settle down just as bellatrix matches in, her looking gorgeous as per usual in her robes. She squeezes me and sits opposite me, right under severus.
"Regulus. How are you? I hope Sirius did not do anything?"
I shake my head and we continue our discussion untill lucius comes in, hugging both girls elegantly he sits opposite sev, discretely waving as he must notice. Bella soon leaves and I breathe out, helping sev down who collapses next to Lucius who smiles soflty, rubbing his back. We stay like that untill the train stops and Lucy presses a kiss to sev's cheek
"How come I didn't know luc ?"
"Well regulus you're a baby"
I pretend to growl and hug all three beofre leaving without my things as they are sent to school, Lucius holds me close in a hug
"Tell Sirius im with him in his mischief "
I nod and leave for the boats where i stay to myself, determined not to get close to anyone bound to pull me away from slytherin.

I gulp as my name is calked out, I notice Sirius is close to the warewolf, year tracks obvious down his cheeks. Rough fabric slides over my ears and soon I hear the hat I my head
I use my mind to tlak back to the hat
please to help Sirius I need to be in slytherin. I need to get to the potion labs and the black library. Sirius will get hurt more of im anything other than slytherin.

The hat him and I hide my breathe of relief as the hat calls out slytherin
Stay safe child
I walk between the gryffindoor and slytherin tables, sneaking sirri's nourishment potion into lupin's hand. Taking my seat between Lucius and narcissa, her obviously not interested I any contract with the man and is contracted to marry. My cousin squeezes my hand below the table
"what did the hat suggest little one? I won't hurt you no matter what"
I whisper huffleouff under my breathe and she grins
"You expected any different"
I laugh and we all tuck in after the headmaster's spea ch.

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