Warning: abuse, knives, blood, a scary scene
Read on your own risk.
______________________________________Suna was surprised. Him? In love?
Sounds impossible.
"Uhhh-" Suna suttered, looking at Osamu.
Osamu was looking disappointed, furious almost. Suna was still confused and shocked.
"A- are you sure- I mean"
Suna looked away from Osamu's calming, patient, dark sky eyes.
"It's okay to think throught your feelings, if you have something to tell me I'll listen" Osamu smiled at Suna, gently.
Suna closed his eyes and took a shaky breath. Osamu just watched him, his smile disappearing.
'I know it isn't me... Sunarin just doesn't have anyone to trust, so he told me this... This isn't the right opportunity for the challenge at all.
You know what, fuck the challenge. I'll confess to Suna by my own will and say a few things to this guy Suna likes when I find out who he is...'
Little did Osamu know, he was the only one Suna could be attracted to.
Well, Suna could've been attracted to Atsumu, but Suna is more in kind of guys that are like himself.
And Suna clearly doesn't believe at love at first sight.
He couldn't just fall for someone he saw in the school halls. That just isn't Suna.
He took another shaky breath and looked back at Osamu.
Clearly there was something bothering Osamu. You could see it in his eyes, his face.
Suna didn't want to overwhelm himself more, so he would just suggest something.
"... Wanna annoy Atsumu?"
It's like a little hope came back to Osamu's empty eyes. He lightly smiled.
Suna quickly pulled his phone out of his right pocket. The phone flashed and revealed a picture of Suna with his cousin.
Suna has a cousin he cares about. Really much. The cousin, Kano, helped Suna throught his mother's abuse. Whenever Suna's mother would beat Suna up, he'd call Kano to cheer himself up.
Sadly Kano was in Miyagi prefecture, away from Suna, but the still kept contact.
Kano moved to Miyagi prefecture 3 years ago thought. Suna's home abuse was going on for a year and Suna's aunt decided it was not safe around Suna's mother anymore.
But Suna would run over to Kano when he would get a big scar on his arms or face. Suna still had a little scar, from when he was 13. His mother scratched him and did everything possible on his left hand so the scar is left there.
Kano was a nice looking 18 year old, he had brown, long hair, a perfectly symmetrical face. His dark brown, wide eyes suited his pretty smile perfectly. He was slightly taller than Suna, and he was skinny.
"Is that Kano? That cousin of yours?"
And the twins heard about Kano.
"Yeah. He visited Hyogō a month ago and we took this picture."
Suna swiped across the screen and typed in the password. Osamu already knew the password in a case of emergency.
Thought he wouldn't really need it.

Osasuna and Sakuatsu
Fiksi Penggemar¡FINISHED! Just read the story, I ain't spoiling it in the title you know ;) The twins being the twins, always challenging eachother. But there was one challenge... Started: 20/12/20 Finished: 02/02/21 Feel free to ask questions. You can also read m...