20-You bet

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So! This is the last chapter of the story before a timeskip. I could never describe how thankful I am for you all. Now enjoy this chapter before I go too far.

The next morning, the trio looked drained. Well, Suna always kinda looked drained, but the twins had small eyebags.

They were slowly walking to school. If they continued walking that slowly they will be late foe morning practice, but they didn't realize.

The atmosphere was heavy and lazy.

Noone wanted to talk. Not even Atsumu, who would always tease his brother and Suna or start a fight with Osamu. Osamu was starting fights too, but Atsumu was more talkative so he was the one who would usually say something that would cause a fight.

They walked past the school gates and turned left to the gym.

They knew they would suck at morning practice, but what can you do.

The trio came closer to the gym and sleepily walked in. The first thing they saw was not the court with their teammates playing, but none other than Kita.


"I let you skip once. And you come back like this. Seems like I gave you too much time"

Kita was sure scary today.

"Now go quickly change and you know the extras. Especially you, Miyas"

Suna couldn't help but chuckle at Kita's words. Then with the twins he ran off to the changing rooms.

The three quickly changed and stormed in to practice. Then they went to do the exercises you had ro do when you're late.

After practice, while everyone was changing in the changing rooms, Atsumu decided to make a bet with Osamu. He was curious on what the answer would be, and he just had to make a deal out of it with his twin.

Atsumu walked closer to Osamu.

"Hey Samu"


"Can we make a bet?"


"'Cause I want ta"

"Fine, what ta bet on?"

"Who Kita-san is dating"

Osamu jumped in place and frowned.

"Ya can't bet on that!"


"Still, this ain't a valid reason ta bet."

"C'mon Samuuuu"


"Hmph, why did I even ask. I'd win anyway"

"Yer tryin ta lure me in"

"It was true!"

"Then who do ya bet on?"


"Bad opinion"

"Shut yer trap Samu! Who else could it be"

"I bet on Akagi"

"Oh- kay. The one who wins owns the other puddin"


"Hm. Bet"

The twins grinned at eachother. They were speaking quietly, so noone heard them. Or noone bothered to try and listen. It was the twins, what else would you hear.

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