Chapter XI ~ Sparks

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A/N: Hey, guys! Here's Chapter 11! Sorry it's so late. I've been extremely busy lately. Next chapter will be out earlier; I promise. For now, enjoy. I'm not too proud of this chapter, but I hope you guys like it anyways.


"What's up with these rude ass requests, Bomb Boy?"

Bakugou shot his head up. He barely even blinked, the rest of the class turning toward the commotion as his face lit up like a firecracker. "Huh? What did you just call me, Earphone Jack?"

Kyouka stuck her arm out over Denki's chest. "You heard me. The guy doesn't want to race, so just—"

Kyouka fell forward. Lanky fingers had snaked their prints around her wrist, pushing her out of the way. She looked up at Denki, standing tall, clenching his fists by his side.

"I'll race."

Bakugou cracked a smile.

Kyouka's eyes shot wide. "Kaminari, what the hell? Are you stupid? You can't race them! It's too cold!" She flung her hands out in front of her, beckoning down at the ground. "Just chill out on the beach with your friends. Are you crazy?"

He tilted his head toward her, glance stern. "Maybe I am crazy, Jirou, but I'm gonna race."

Maybe he was miscalculating this endeavor. Maybe he really was stupid like she'd foretold. But now that he had Kyouka by his side, his heart ringing loudly in his ears, he felt a little more confident, ready to give this a shot.

Denki pushed past her and joined Bakugou and Midoriya, shielding his face with his hair. She guessed he was nervous, maybe? Embarrassed? Shaken up? She didn't know. That was when she usually hid her eyes behind her bangs. When the world was getting to be a bit too much.

Or maybe he was just now realizing he'd have to hide his scars. Maybe that was it.

Bakugou explained the rules of their competition. The three of them were to change into swimming trunks and walk deep enough into the ocean that their feet couldn't touch the ground. And then, on Kirishima's whistle, they were to race, and whoever crossed the finish line first was the victor.

Denki sighed. Assuming water was off limits, he hadn't brought swim trunks.

Bakugou unzipped his jacket, lifting up his shirt. He pulled down his sweats to reveal red and black swim shorts, stepping out of them with a crackle of his hand. Midoriya took a step back.

Midoriya began undressing himself, and Denki just looked at him like he had three heads. "You were prepared for this?"

Midoriya turned toward him, his trunks bluer than a Saturday sunny sky. "Hm? Uh, kind of. I always expect something like this out of Kacchan. Why? Do you not have a swimsuit?"

Denki shook his head.

"Hm.... Maybe—"

Sero's voice caught their attention. "Yo, Denki! I got a pair for ya!"

Denki's hands were free, and then all of a sudden they weren't anymore, and he almost jumped back before realizing Sero's red swim trunks were in them, the bottoms laced with a buoyant bright orange fire. Denki inspected them, just because he could. No rips or holes.

So there really was no way out of this. He could have just said no to racing to begin with, but he didn't want to be called a wuss. Nobody wanted to be called a wuss.

He was stuck here, he guessed.

Denki hid behind a small hut near the bonfire and got changed. His shoulders were littered with scars, nothing like the big and bumpy ones on his thighs but still noticeable nonetheless, and he had to pull his trunks up high.

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